Chapter 50

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BEN Drowned POV
I'm woken suddenly by the blinding light of the suns rays beaming through the window. Guessing I had forgotten to close the curtains last night, meaning all possible light flooded in and filled the entire room. Sighing, I roll over but instantly come face to face with [Name] as she lay fast asleep.
Fuck.. fuuuuck..! I had completely forgotten what had happened. Well, I didn't forget, I was just so shocked and surprised it actually happened. I've never felt such warmth inside my heart. Gosh how cringe.
I wanted to wake [Name], but she looked so peaceful as she slept. So instead, I cover her with the blanket, put my clothes on as quietly as possible and make my way downstairs. I thought I would make her a special breakfast. I felt like she deserved it.
However, In doing so, I  find that [Name]'s kitchen is majorly short on food.
"Guess they forgot to do some shopping.."
Taking a deep breath, I decide to head down to the store as quickly as I could. I wanted to make something special for [Name], but I firstly needed the ingredients.

I leave the house as quietly as I can without banging the door and make my way down the street, crossing roads and turning corners. But, my entire journey, I felt like I was being watched. And when you get that feeling, 90% of the time, it's because you actually are.
Becoming more alert, I carefully watch my surroundings until the presence I felt grew even more. I knew something was there. Spinning swiftly around to face the other direction, Dark Link stood directly in front of me.
"Ello brother."
The last thing I see is his evil, mocking smirk and the last thing I feel is cold metal bashing against my skull.


Groaning due to the massive pain throbbing in my head, I slowly peel open my eyes. But instantly slam them open once I realise where I was. I was in EJ's operating room. I try to move but I was strapped down tightly to a chair, a gag over my mouth. I thrash vigorously but suddenly stop when I hear muffled cries beside me. Slowly turning my head, I spot Susie, in the exact same position as me. Blood dripping from her nose, so old and crusty, some new. Her body was also strapped down tightly. We could try to break free but the more we pulled, the tighter the restraints got, causing our wrists and ankles to bleed. I tried to teleport but instant pain shot through my entire body, causing me to yell loudly but muffled behind my gag. They must have used some sort of liquid given from Slender as every time  I tried to teleport, it would cause instant pain, from the back of my skull, all the way down to my toes. 
"Ahh looks who's finally awake."
A voice chuckles, followed by the sound of a  heavy door closing and three sets of footsteps. I knew who the voice was, but who were the others?
My question was soon answered when Dark Link, Jeff and EJ appear in front of me.
"You look pathetic BEN."
Jeff laughs hysterically as he pulls on my ears harshly, knowing I couldn't retaliate. All I could do was growl in anger.
"Bet you're wondering why you're here? Well. It should be pretty obvious."
I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion but also in anger. My own asshole of a brother seriously fucking kidnapped me.
"Come on BEN. Give us a smile."'
Link scoffs with a grin as he rips the gag from over my mouth. I couldn't help but gasp, I didn't realise how much air it was blocking until I could breath properly.
"What the fuck are you doing Link!"
He pouts sarcastic but instantly laughs afterwards, amused by his own stupidity.
"You failed BEN. She still alive."
Shrugging, pointing to Susie. She mumbles and cries behind her tight  gag, trashing more and more, trying to get away, she knew what Links words meant.
"Plus. You fucked [Name]."
He states bluntly. I heard a angry gasp come from Susie as her head shoots in my direction. But her rage filled expression soon turns to more tears, lowering her head.
"Awww, poor baby.. did you think little Benny loved you?"
Appearing in front of her, he mocks her sobbing, pouting like an immature child, grabbing her chin to lift her face. But his sarcastic expression soon turns to a cold stone glare.
"He never loved you. He never loved anyone."
His head turns in my direction as he makes his way back over to me, teleporting in front of me.
"You're wrong, I love [Name]!"
I yell furiously. My entire body filled with burning rage. But I instantly regret what I had said as his face changes from cold and emotionless, to an evil, wide mouth, sharp toothed grin.
"Is that so.. well maybe. It's time I pay [Name] a visit-"
"SHE WONT GO ANYWHERE WITH YOU! I swear if you lay a finger on her I will kill you."
I interrupt him rudely. I was pissed. If he dared to hurt her.
"What do you mean? She loves you BEN. Or should I say.. she loves me."
His form started to slowly change as his clothes changing from a dull grey to a brightish green. His hair turned from black to blond and his skin became lighter. His eyes dark with two red pupils, blood dripping down. But his face, he, he looked exactly like me.. but he was still the same rotten bastard on the inside.
"What's wrong BEN? Scared of your own reflection?"

 "What's wrong BEN? Scared of your own reflection?"

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