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Jungkook quickly made a decision and leaped through the bashed open door into the creepy dark room. He pressed himself into a corner of the room, whimpering as he heard the loud gun shots echoing through the hallway. He seemed safe for now but still felt scared as he heard yells being thrown around nearby. Without thinking he moved a bit and accidently stumbled into a shelf of some sort, making different kinds of materials tumble down, making a loud clanking sound. Jungkook froze and pressed his eyes shut, praying to god that no one had heard this.

He sighed in relief when he heard no one approaching and thought he was safe.

But a movement inside of the room told him otherwise.

He jumped back into his corner and squished himself into it, staring at the spot where he had noticed something moving. With squinting eyes he recognized a body of some sorts.

Oh please don't tell me there's a (sort of dead) body in here.

He carefully squatted down to pat around on the ground in search of some sort of wrench to defend himself with. But to his luck he found a lighter and quickly snatched it before pressing himself into his loved corner again.

He flicked on the lighter and almost screamed when he saw what was in the room with him. He could barely grab the lighter before it hit the ground and pressed it against his chest as he stared at where had seen the horrible sight, now clouded into darkness again.

Flicking on the lighter again, he examined the thing for real now. With hesitant footsteps he approached the thing, making sure it was dead before nearing it- well dead wasn't really the right word for it. It looked a lot like a human but he knew for a fact that humans weren't made out of wires and electric devices. Maybe the right word for it was a robot, or maybe an android of some sorts.

Either way, its arm and two legs were blown off so wires were the only thing sticking out of the robot. Its face portrayed that of a young boy, but the skin was scraped a bit and one eye was missing. Its brown hair was fluffy and almost seemed real. As he set one more step, one of the eyes suddenly turned towards him and flashed green before going to a normal brown.

Jungkook gasped and jumped backwards, seeing the robot move his head and before Jungkook could get away, its only working arm grabbed the boy's arm, keeping him there.

"Human", the robot spoke, its voice smoother and much more human like than Jungkook had ever expected. It wasn't anything like he thought a robot would sound like. The deep velvety voice and the young boy's face didn't match together and he wondered why the makers had made him this way.

Anyway, he didn't really know what to reply and just stared at the robot's brown and missing eye, confused on what had happened to the thing.

"You should not be here. This is not a safe ground for humans", the android spoke, "Others will find you. They won't hesitate to kill you. Go".

The android's eye flickered and he glanced down at the state his body was in.

Jungkook looked at the robot's chest and noticed the android's model was graved into the skin. A name was written next to it.

"What happened to you Taehyung?", Jungkook asked, "Is there any way I can help you?"

The adroid's eyes flickered back to the boy's and he released the boy's arm.

"Go. I should kill you", the android spoke, "But my weapon system is broken. So you better take this chance to get out".

Jungkook crossed his arms in determination. The robot didn't seem that willing to kill him so maybe he could try helping it.

"Well sorry but I'm not taking that chance".



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