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Delta's pov

"Eltooooooon," I whined over the phone. "You were supposed to be here already!" I slumped in my seat on the bench outside the airport. I had flown in 20 minutes ago and have been waiting for my stupid brother to pick me up. He's always late. ALWAYS. At least with me he is. "I know, I know, I'm really sorry ok? Something came up at the house, but I'm leaving right now," he explained. "Wait, you haven't even LEFT YET!?" My voice screeched.

I got some dirty looks from some people, but I ignored them. "You know what Elton, don't even bother, I'll frickin' Uber, bye," I deadpanned before hanging up and immediately getting myself an Uber. The wait was 10 minutes, but I didn't care. It was less than what I would've waited if Elton had picked me up.

When the Uber arrived he popped open the trunk and helped me put my stuff in there. "Thanks," I told him. He just smiled and nodded. 'Not much of a talker I suppose,' I thought. After all my stuff was packed safely in his trunk we got in the car and began the long drive to my brother's house. My Uber played some nice chillhop that had me falling asleep.

Elton's pov

"Shit," I cursed underneath my breath when she hung up on me. It wasn't my fault I was late! We were in the middle of one of those damn prank wars and the whole house decided to fucking get me. I sighed and slammed the front door shut as I came back into the house. Everyone stopped what they were doing to stare at me. "Elton dude, you ok?" Corey asked. I just glared at all of them. They took a step back and got out of my way quickly as I walked into the kitchen.

"Alright, family meeting in the kitchen," I yelled. They all walked into the kitchen warily. "What's up?" Sam looked at me then everyone else then back at me. "We're going to have new roommate," I announced. They looked amongst each other. "Who?" Colby asked. "Her name is Delta, she's my little sister," all of their jaws hit the floor. "Wait wait, you have a sister!?" Corey shrieked. "Yes," I answered calmly.

They looked at each other again, I could tell they were freaking out. "Oh no, there's two of them," Aaron whispered and looked over his shoulder at me. "She'll be here in 30 minutes, maybe an hour, so hurry up clean your mess," and with that I began to walk back to the front door. "Where are you going?" Colby called after me.

"To get my little sister a make up present 'cause I was late to pick her up and she had to call an Uber," I called back, grabbing my keys and leaving. I knew the perfect gift, she's been wanting this for a while, but has never been able to get one because of her living conditions. Well now she can, 'cause she's living with me.

Delta's pov

I woke up right as we pulled up to this big a$$ mansion. "Holy..." I trailed off just staring at it in awe. "Excuse me, are you sure this is the right house?" I asked the Uber driver, just to make sure. He nodded, "Yes ma'am." My mouth fell open a little bit. Then my phone started buzzing from someone calling me. I pulled out my phone seeing it was Elton and answered it.

"Hey, I just pulled up to this big a$$ mansion," I heard him laugh on the other end. "I'm actually not home right now, so I'll send someone out to let you in," he informed. "Ok yeah sure, why'd you call though?" I asked. "To ask you a question, what's your favorite color?" I rolled my eyes. "You should know this, it's blue," I told him. "Ok thanks bye," he said quickly. "Wait Elton!" But it was too late, he had already hung up.

I sighed and slouched against the car door. When the gate finally opened to let us in, I sat up, ready to get out of this car. The Uber parked and I hopped out quickly. "THANK GOD, I started to loose the use of my legs!" I exaggerated. Someone laughed from the other side of the car and I turned around to see a guy with tan skin, a man bun, brown eyes, and a bright smile.

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