11. History Repeating

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Allison opened her eyes. She looked around to find herself lying on the floor of the woods. Just like her other dream it was covered in dirt and twigs. It was night time and the moon glowed high in the sky. Allison saw that she had the same dress she had on before and got up and began to walk forward. *Howwll*. Allison looked around at the sound of a wolf's howl. She loved wolves and everything, but she wasn't sure she'd like to be in the same place as one. 

Allison looked around frantically for the source of the noise, but couldn't see a thing in this darkness. A twig snapped from behind her and she whirled around. A snarl was heard and Allison began to back away. Was it possible to die in your own dreams? Allison sure hoped it wasn't. The creature stepped out then and Allison gasped; it was a grey wolf  with amazing golden, amber eyes. It snarled at her and Allison snapped out of her admiration and began to panic. Stepping back from the angry wolf she tripped and fell on her back.

The wolf took a few steps forward and howled into the sky. It turned back to showing it's teeth and crouched, preparing itself to pounce on her. Allison closed her eyes tightly, waiting for the impact, but it never came. Allison heard a whine come from the wolf and opened her eyes to look at it. The wolf was looking in a different direction and the grimace had disappeared from its face, now it seemed to look scared. The wolf looked back at Allison and then in a blur it was gone.

Her heart hammered in her chest, she looked behind her to see what had frightened the wolf. She could only make an outline of the man and nothing more, "I'm sorry about that. I wish it didn't have to be this way, but you have to keep coming here." He told her in a strong British accent. He sounded like the man that had been trying to console the other man in her last dream.

"What do you mean I have to keep coming here? Why?" It was just a dream, it didn't mean anything. "I'm sorry dear." Was his response. He sounded so sad. Why? And then he was gone and everything started to fade away.

 Why? And then he was gone and everything started to fade away

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Opening her eyes Allison looked around. She was back in her bedroom safe and sound. She sighed in relief, but she wanted to know what the man was talking about. Why did she have to continue to dream about him? Allison supposed the better question was, who was he? Getting up out of her bed she walked over to her vanity and opened her jewelry box and began looking through it. Allison found what she was looking for, the wolf bracelet that Tyler had given her. She loved it, but she thought maybe she should give it back to him since they were no longer together.

Looking at it she saw that the wolf's eyes had a strange misty white type of stone. It was very pretty and she smiled and put it down on her vanity and got dressed for school. She grabbed the bracelet from her vanity and put it into her bag before leaving her bedroom. Allison left the house and began to drive to school. She turned the radio in the car on and sang with the song that was on.

Parking her car, she turned the radio off. Allison walked into the school just as the bell rang. She groaned, she had history first and today they would have a new history teacher. If he was anything like Tanner she would give him hell. Walking in she sat in her seat that was usually in front of Stefan's, but there was no sign of him. Allison turned back to look at Elena and she only shrugged her shoulders. Where was he? Did he do something to Damon last night after he had killed Lexi. Whatever Stefan did to Damon he deserved it. He killed one of the loveliest people Allison had ever met, and not to mention she was Stefan's best friend. As of right now, she hated Damon Salvatore with a passion.

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