Arc 4.1

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So hard to breath, and he feels like crap with his head hurting.

Ethan breathes heavily as he looks at the screen in front of him.

He moves to click his mouse and enlarges a window.

The screen reflects in his light brown eyes inside the dark room, with sweat dripping down his face, before he feels his chest start to hurt and laboriously hurries to grab a bottle of water placed next to the screen, while opening an orange bottle of pills.

He feels sick everytime he has to take these stupid pills and is reminded of his own helplessness and weakness.

Why, just why does he have to feel like this?

Death, maybe just dying would be better, but he can't accept it.

Ethan never wanted to be this way, but he just can't stop and feels anxiety when he sees his body start to lose weight.

He watches as that man and his mother show concern and care for him, but it only makes him more nauseated.

He breaths heavily as he feels his head hurting again, making him feel faint.

He can't even take care of himself without feeling sick and weak.


He waits outside the doctors office with that man watching him with his arms crossed.

Breathing heavily, he moves around uncomfortably in the chair with his fat hanging out from the sides.

He can never properly quiet his breathing and is always feeling so weak with fatigue, that he justs wants to sleep and feels his stomach hurting, as he forces himself to think while staying clear headed.

He just wants to fix this and is already numb to everything else, he constantly has to wonder when his heart will stop, every time he feels it going slower or faster.

He doesn't know how he passes that time and doesn't dare to move while feeling pale with queasiness, he's afraid, so very afraid.

"Ethan Williams?"

He helplessly watches as that man moves to help him up when his name is called, while being unable to reject.

At nineteen years old Ethan is diagnosed with coronary heart disease while being morbidly obese, weighing a little over four hundred pounds.

He has to to take multiple medications for his Coronary artery disease (C.A.D) and his atrial fibrillation (A.F) type arrythmia.

He has other issues related to his obesity including, sleep apnea, joint pain and type 2 diabetes, and frequently has to take insulin to control his high glucose levels.

He wants to have coronary bypass surgery for his heart, but is frequently held back because of his weight.

He relaxes when he sees that man leave Dr. Charles office, but tenses again when he sees Dr. Charles with his head lowered and looking at his clip board while tapping it lightly with his pen.

When he first saw Dr. Charles Jacobson, he was ashamed.He couldn't relax around him as he felt inferior and intimidated.

He was self concious of his body when he looked at him and couldn't stand him touching him in anyway, it always brought back bad memories of that man and terrified him.

But he started to relax as Dr. Charles only responded with patience to his agitation, even when it always took longer than necessary to complete the examinations.

He knows Dr. Charles is busy, but always has to make time for him in his schedule, he truly is a good doctor.

"You're skipping the rehabilitation exercises, why?"

He sees Dr. charles lift his head up, to look at him calmly as he states with no blame in his tone.

He looks down slightly as he responds to Dr. Charles and breathes lightly.

"I feel nervous when seeing my body lose the weight around me and panicked."

Charles Jacobson looks at Ethan who has his head lowered and is slightly clenching his hand placed on his thigh, he doesn't want to further agitate him, it's not good for his health.

When he first saw Ethan he noticed that his reaction wasn't just showing mental insecurity from his weight and health issues, but showing an odd reaction to him touching him.

Looking over his history in the questionnaire, he couldn't find anything to illicit such a reaction and was confused.Ethan was clearly acting defensively.

Normally, he would have to send such patients for preoperative psychiatric assessment, however he has no proof and Ethan clearly doesn't want to inform him.

He couldn't keep up his friendly smile when looking at the man around Ethan.From further observation he noticed how Ethan clearly becomes more agitated when that man touches him, he immediately wanted to separate the man from him.

What doctor could stand their patient being hurt, right under their nose?

Ethan clearly has no craving for food and even shows faint disgust towards it, but still eats it.

Obesity from sexual abuse or a childhood trauma is common among patients, besides genetics and addiction.

Ethan has no family history of obesity, as a child he was healthy and socially active, before becoming more closed off while developing an eating disorder at the age of fourteen.

Is that man the source of his agitation?He would need Ethan to talk to him, before he can do anything.

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