Chapter 13: Pride

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"It is better to loose your pride to the one you love, than to loose the one you love to pride."

Yoongi released a deep sigh through his nose as he stared at your clothed back. Your braided (h/c) hair was hanging down loosely, occasionally being moved by the soft breeze.

His orange eyes trailed down to watch the swishing of your horses tail for a moment before ultimately falling back onto your laughing form.

Your blue eyes twinkled as you clutched your stomach from laughter, your hand reaching over to swat Jungkooks arm.

The chestnut headed prince laughed along with you, rubbing the spot where you had smacked him.

Yoongi frowned.

He was extremely confused.

Just a few hours ago you were running into the forest crying, and doing everything you could to get away from him, but now you acted as though nothing had happened, and you were never upset. It is true that you hadn't spoken to Yoongi since this morning, but when you arrived he had expected you to go off on him. To yell at him or even push him.

But you didn't.

You kept your composure and avoided any actually confrontation.

It was confusing for the young prince to see a woman with such dignity and self-control. Any woman Yoongi had met was either a whore, or a stuck up noble woman. You were so very different, whether or not that was a good thing, Yoongi didn't know.

At times you were bright and hopeful, at other times you were stubborn and bullheaded. Yoongi couldn't wrap his head around you.

In a way, this was better for Yoongi. In a few days the troop would reach Pamelia and you would be dragged back to his kingdom to die. If the black haired prince had an attachment to you, that would make his job much, much harder.

You weren't his friend, or companion. You were just a sacrifice that had to be made.

The horses stopped suddenly.

Yoongi's tangerine eyes snapped up at the lack of motion, his mouth opening to speak, but stopping upon seeing the sight infront of him.

Your blue eyes were wide as you stared ahead at four men that stood in the middle of the dirt path.

The first man was tall and lanky, his hair a light shade of blond , his long arms were holding a bow and arrow as he stared down the silver haired prince at the front of the line.

The second man was slightly shorter than the first, his hair was black, the bear that trailed from his chin was tangled and messy, he held a sword in his right hand.

The third male was shorter than both the first and second, his hair was red (not like Hoseok's, like normal red.) and freckles dotted his face, he looked to be the youngest of the group, he couldn't have been over 18. His hands were shaky as he held a bow and arrow.

The last man was almost as tall as the first and was clearly the head of this group of people. His face was clean shaven and his dark brown hair was neatly combed to the side, he held no weapon, but instead had his arms crossed over his chest as he smirked up at Jimin's form on his horse.

You raised your eyebrow, turning to face Jungkook.

"Is this normal?" You asked quietly.

Jungkook frowned.

"No." He stated as he unsheathed his sword and hardened his gaze. "It is not."

You gulped inwardly, moving your eyes to look behind you to check up on the others.

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