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Annabeth's POV:
I jotted down the notes that Prof. Apollo had written on the white board. Something about striking the enemy by proper archery but by also singing the right note.
"Shooting an arrow to an enemie's head is the same as singing a high note. It's hard, but its worth it."

"Blasphemy! Your teaching rubbish. utter rubbish!", Artemis said by frantically waving her arms.

Prof. Apollo not taking the criticism lightly, dramatically pointed to the white board, "Rubbish?! How dare you sister! This is the work of art and killing monsters is always a work of pure art. I am deeply hurt by your remarks." he said as he folded his arms and turned away from his sister.

Such a drama queen.

And they both continued arguing. I can't believe they're related, let alone being twins. There polar opposites.  Literally.

"Everyone and I mean everyone knows that if your going to shoot a Minotaur in the head, you might as well imagine it being your favorite dessert." Artemis remarked feeling quite proud at her statement, though I stared at her dumbfounded. Now why would I imagine a Minotaur being chocolate pudding? Do I want to lose my appetite? It was clear that Prof. Apollo shared my exact view point.

"Now why in Zeus's name would I do that?" he mumbled looking at his sister confused.

"SO THAT YOU COULD CHOW DOWN ON THAT MONSTER. YOU SHOW NO MERCY TO DESSERT! EXACTLY WITH THE MINOTAUR. GRAB A FORK AND BE DONE WITH IT!" Artemis exclaimed as she immediately shot her arrow to the dummy Minotaur in class.

The hunters immediately cheered and whistled which I'm sure didn't help with Prof. Apollo's ego.

And I was right. They both started arguing again. I dropped my pencil and groaned. This was going to be a long long day.

I was thinking on taking a 5 min nap when I felt something light hit my head. I ignored it but I felt it hit my head again, this time dropping to my lap. It was a paper ball.
I turned and immediately caught one coming towards me while spotting the idiot responsible for it.

Perseus Jackson Or Percy the idiot. Whatever suits him more. My choice? The latter.

"Percy what do you think your doing throwing paper balls at me? "

He grinned at me. "C'mon Annabeth! I'm boredddddddd!~" gods he's annoying.

"Well that's bad for you seaweed brain but what can I do to make your boredom be as non-existant as that brain of yours?" he rolled his eyes.

"Geez Annabeth. Make up your mind already."

I tilted my head in confusion. "Come again?" he rested his head in one hand and closed his eyes,"I mean you always call me seaweed brain and then you say I don't have a brain. Tsk how smart are you? If I'm not supposed to have a brain why call me seaweed brain then wise girl? It's seaweed but it's still my brain right? "

I stared at him in shock. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out, however he still spoke.
"Besides, you have been calling me that name since we were 11,why stop now?"
Percy stared at me lazily with his sea green eyes. At first his face was expressionless but then the corners of his lips turned into a smirk,"What's the matter wise girl? Cat got your tongue?"

I could feel the heat reaching my cheeks as I glared at him for being so....clever. I continued to glare down at him while I bit my lip. He just watched in amusement.

"Dude don't you mean, 'Has percy got your tongue?' that would have made more sense." I immediately glared at Leo for that remark, I was hoping my glares would be enough to silence him but Leo being Leo just had to open his mouth.
"Dude she is pretty red. Good job!" he high-fived Percy for his accomplishment.
And that was the moment I judo kicked Leo into a wall while grabbing a bow and an arrow and aimed at Percy.

"Ah! This is a wonderful display of what I was saying! Having a precise aim at your enemy!" Artemis complimented.

"Ahem! I think you mean what I was saying. She is clearly displaying my teaching." Apollo stated while bringing his hands to his hips. Tch still drama queen.

Artemis glared at her brother and turned to me, while my focus was on Percy. "Oh yeah? Annabeth dear. Show my brother what skill truly is. Take Percy down like a tasty treat. No mercy. "

I continued to keep aim at Percy while he looked at me frightened but still having the nerve to grin and say,

"So you're saying that I'm a snack for Annabeth or am I eye candy?"

That's it.

Jason's POV:

"You both should've kept your big mouths shut. You should be glad that arrow was a dud." I said as I shook my head at Percy.

"Well it still hurt like Miley Cyrus!"

"Language! That name shall not be spoken." Geez for how long do I plan to act like his dad?

"Papaaaaa! Can you kissy my boo boo better? " Leo said as he gave me his puppy dog eyes. See what I mean by acting like a dad?

"Kiss it yourself Leo and put some ice on it. "

He pouted, "I would if I could. Girls would die to kiss me, you just gave up a great offer."

Percys head jerked up, "What girls? "
Percy and I started laughing our butts off. He eventually wiped a tear for dramatic effect. Leo however didn't get the joke.
"Fine you guys asked for it." I looked at Leo in confusion to what he just said.

Leo took a deep breath and shouted,

Percy immediately slapped his hand on Leo's mouth. "Dude what in the Hades are you thinking! Can't you keep a secret?!"
Leo however licked his hand and Percy looked at him and his hand in disgust.
But I just stared at him flabbergasted. "You have a crush on Annabeth?! The Tarturus are you thinking?! She'll kill you!"

Perch rolled his eyes,"Tell the whole school Grace. Tell Gaia, tell your dad, I'm sure Annabeth won't find out."

Leo folded his arms, "Maybe if you two were nicer I would keep my mouth shut. That goes to you too Piper boy."

I immediately turned red and looked the other way, "She's just a friend. OK? W-why would you think that?"

"You're fooling no one buddy. Ah you guys are so easy to blackmail. It's a good thing I'm a very nice person." Leo gestured to himself.

Percy raised his eyebrow,
"If I remember correctly, which I do, you placed a bomb in Drew's locker today."

Leo smirked, "That was an act of justice. She tripped Piper during cheer practice and well embarrassed me in front of her crew... "
Percy and I frowned. Drew always did pick on Leo but we made him feel better by telling him she deserved worst...Until Percy blurted,
"But you DO have a crush on literally every girl there is."

"They're potential companions!
Not c-crushes!"

I smirked and mimicked him,"You're fooling no one buddy."

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