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"I swear to God, If you leave me alone by myself again I will never love you as a father ever again! YOU HEAR ME! Maybe I should leave just like Mother did!"

The room filled with silence and father took three steps towards me until he was right in my face. Before I knew it I felt a sharp tingling sensation on the left side of my cheek which stung like a bitch. I turned my head away from him, caressing the left cheek to ease the pain until he grabbed my chin and moved it to be facing him.

"Don't you EVER speak about mother in that way for she left us, and this is all her fault".

My vision began to get blurry as tears welled in my eyes.

"Now what do you say? SORRY APPA!" he yelled in rage at me.

"Sorry Appa" I mumbled quietly for I didn't want to break into weakness and vulnerability.

The same sensation formed on the same cheek and a single tear fell down my face.

I said what he wanted to hear enough to meet his standards and he excused me.

I ran upstairs, into my room and shut my door instantly. I leapt onto my bed and hugged the stuffed toy my mother got me before she passed. By then the tears came like a waterfall and I sobbed until I slowly fell asleep.


It has been two days since the argument with my father and a week since my mother committed suicide. She killed herself because father continued to cheat on her and break her heart every time he regained her trust. I would see this happen but mother was too blinded by love.

Fake Love.

Ever since then, father has been non stop nagging me to be the new wife of the house which involves me doing everything for him. I have been treated like a slave and not like a daughter who deserved the love she needed, so I ran away, hoping someone would find me and love me.

But no one did. No one talked to me or even took a single glance at me. I guess I'm not worth loving anymore.

This is the prologue to the story and I hope you guys like it.

I know it's short but It's 2:44am and I'm trying not to get caught 😋

Please enjoy and leave comments or feedback because I'm still learning to write.


- Sonny xx

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