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'Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.' 

—  William Shakespeare

THE BLACK CAR CAME out of nowhere

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THE BLACK CAR CAME out of nowhere.

Minhyuk barely had time to think before the inevitable impact. His mind was filled with a million thoughts at once and time seemed to slow down to a trickle. They were at a low bridge, the canal underneath was deep enough for the car to sink into. His eyes flickered to Ri and his heart squeezed when he saw that she'd already started to brace herself.

The only one who realized late was the driver.

The collision knocked the air out of Minhyuk's lungs. They were spinning for a second, then it felt like the world had toppled forward. The airbags deployed and his arms were rammed into his face by their explosive force.

A rolex to the face was painful, every nerve felt like it was on fire. Minhyuk grit his teeth and tried not to cry out. Fear had planted itself in his heart, digging its roots deep until every beat pumped terror through his veins.

"Oh my god, oh god- what-" the driver never got to finish his sentence. The car tipped over the edge of the bridge and in seconds, they hit the surface of the water with a deafening splash.

Minhyuk's belt cut into his throat but he didn't unbuckle it. Think, think, think! Reduce the water pressure. Find a way out. He twisted over to the driver's controls and opened all the windows. The water gushed into the car, bitingly cold and overpowering.

"What're you doing, you idiot! We're going to drow-"

"It'll be easier to escape, I promise. Take a deep breath." Minhyuk looked over to Ri in the rearview mirror. She was in the higher part of the car, the water would reach her later. She didn't say anything but her eyes were shining with fear "Unbuckle your belts and swim to the banks. Don't come up for air, they'll shoot you."

He took in a harsh gulp of air.

Then the water engulfed them.

His eyes stung and a shiver rushed up his spine. Seatbelt, swim to bank, stay out of sight, he repeated over and over in his head. It silenced the panic long enough for him to unfasten his belt and propel himself through the window.

Minhyuk nearly died right there and then when he felt something brush against his fingers. His first thought was, piranha. Which was stupid because piranhas weren't even native to the UK. Then a hand clamped hard around his. It was Ri.

If he could, Minhyuk would've breathed a giant sigh of relief. Instead, he swam to where he thought the canal bank was, keeping his head underwater. His lungs were screaming at him. Protesting every second without air.

The water finally shallowed out and the two of them stumbled up, keeling over almost immediately. Minhyuk didn't wait to rest. He grabbed tightly onto Ri's hand and pulled her further into the trees. She didn't complain, running as fast as she could next to him.

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