56. It's a People

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Aurora never expected that the Revengers would be this badass. Sure, she did have some expectations, but Thor has especially proved her wrong. Hulk is defeating the wolf– quite literally throwing the beast off the edge– while Valkyrie walks away from the spaceship, fireworks spicing her entrance up as she fights against the berserkers on the other side of the Rainbow bridge. Thor plays his role well as the God of Thunder– crushing everything that's in his way.

And Aurora and Loki? They help the Asgardians by fighting against Hela's dead army, quad blaster and dagger combined. Aurora has put on her headphones and the full volume of Cherry Bomb by The Runaways blares into her ears. The melody motivates her to keep going and she shakes her head to the rhythm, humming the lyrics.

"I mean, we all do look pretty hot, especially Valkyrie, but I doubt that we can continue to fight them off for the rest of time" Aurora pants and throws a grenade towards the berserkers, the ground trembling for a moment due to the explosion. Glancing at the Statesmen, she sees that most Asgardians are already on the ship. "This does looks promising, though."

"Did you just call Valkyrie hot?" Loki frowns, not hearing right as he smoothly swings his helmet.

"Now's not the time for questions, Loki." She avoids the answer and motions for him to walk over to Thor while Korg and Heimdall gather the people together on the spaceship.

Removing her headphones, Aurora meets Thor on the bridge where the God of Thunder welcomes her and Loki. "Thor, you were just– OH, MY GOD! YOUR EYE– "

Aurora makes vomit sounds, trying not to be too disgusted by Thor's nasty and bloody wound as her hand flies to her mouth. She already feels nauseous by the look of it and avoids to look at it but she can't help but stare at the missing eye. The God of Thunder sighs and doesn't care about the pounding pain in his face anymore, only focusing on Asgard's safety.

"I know." He glances at Loki and is glad that their brotherly fight seems to be over. "You're late."

"You're missing an eye." The God of Mischief responds with a little pant, still recovering from the battle.

"I mean it's not- it's not that bad, I'm sure that it still can be saved... Maybe. Many Ravagers had electrical eye devices as well, I could make you one, and... Is there an eye lying around now? I don't wanna step on it." Aurora rambles, attempting to contain the contents of her stomach.

"No, Hela smashed it with a sword."

Complete silence overcomes her and she presses her hand against her mouth, taking a deep breath. The thought is stuck in her head now and causes a shiver to run down her spine. "Ew. Okay, give- give me a sec, I'll be fine in a moment."

Valkyrie arrives and passes them, getting closer to the castle where Hela returns. "This isn't over."

The four Revengers now face the fallen kingdom, each of them still out of breath and Thor sighs. "I think we should disband the Revengers."

"We didn't even get paid, so..." Aurora shrugs, still panting. Although the battle was definitely fun for her, her stamina is still limited due to her human biology and she is at the end. Sweat covers her forehead and her lungs are on fire, her muscles are sore. Yet, the Goddess of Death is not defeated yet. Odin's firstborn approaches them dangerous and slow, like a predator its prey.

"Hit her with a lightning blast." Loki commands Thor to attack and points at her but his brother just shakes his head.

"I just hit her with the biggest lightning blast in the history of lightning. It did nothing."

Brunnhilde's eyes are focused on Hela, her trauma still lingering in her mind ever since. Valkyrie does not plan on making it out alive without getting her revenge. "We just need to hold her off until everyone's on board."

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