Chapter 1: "This isn't my idea"

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Words Count: 4411


(Narrator's POV)

Once upon a time there was a king named Splinter who ruled a large and mighty kingdom. And yet, he was sad for he was growing old and had no child to inherit the throne. Then, happily, a daughter was born... A princess. And she was given the name Ashlynn. Kings and Queens came from all around to offer their gifts to the child. Among them was the widow Flora and her young son, Prince Leonardo. It was then that Splinter and Flora happened upon the same idea. 

Leonardo and Ashlynn would be brought together each summer in hopes that they would fall in love and join their kingdoms forever. But unknown to all was another plan, that of the evil enchanter, Oroku Saki known as the Shredder.

Ashlynn's birth was of little concern to him, for he was preparing to take King Splinter's kingdom by means of the Forbidden Arts. On the eve of his assault, Splinter attacked and Oroku Saki known as the Shredder's powers were plunged into darkness. Despite calls for his death, the enchanter was only banished.

(Time skip/Narrator's POV)

Two of the Salamandrians uncuffed the hand cuffs from Oroku Saki's wrists. Oroku Saki swung both of his arms to let the Salamandrian guards fly away from him. "I'm not finished with you yet, Splinter. Someday I'll get my power back. And when I do, everything you own, everything you love will be mine." Saki said. King Splinter had an angry look in his eyes as he pointed towards the opening. Off Saki went towards where King Splinter pointed at. Many feared King Splinter too kind. But in time the threat was forgotten, and all hopes turned to that not-too-distant summer, when Leonardo and Ashlynn would meet.

(Time Skip/At Queen Flora's castle/No one's POV)

A pot-bellied pig named Chamberlain was on the tower being on the lookout for King Splinter and his daughter Princess Ashlynn. "He-he-he, oh, here they come, he-he!" He said while laughing. He went down to the horn to blow it...well he tried to blow the horn but no success because there was something in the horn. He blows really hard and out came mother bird and its nest that went flying. "Dear Flora, as lovely as ever." Splinter said. A nest landed on Queen Flora's head. Chamberlain gasped and then he ducked for cover. A bird pick up her nest and flew away with her nest towards a tree. "Oh, a nest." Queen Flora said as she chuckles and fixes her hair. "And who might this strapping young man be? Young Prince Leonardo, no doubt." King Splinter said as he did a wink. "Welcome to our fair kingdom, dear William. And to you, young princess. Go on, Leonardo." Queen Flora said. King Splinter brought his daughter Princess Ashlynn down from his horse. She did a chuckle. Young Prince Leonardo turned around while glaring at Princess Ashlynn. "Dear, go on..." Queen Flora said. "Mother!" Prince Leonardo said as he did a whisper-tone. "Leonardo!" Queen Flora said as she did a whisper-tone as well. "Hello, Princess Ashlynn. I'm very pleased to meet you." Leonardo said in a monotone while rolling his eyes.

"Pleased to meet you, Prince Leonardo." Ashlynn said as she did a bow. Prince Leonardo ran away from Princess Ashlynn. She looked up as she had an confused look on her face. "Ah-ah-ah-ah!" Queen Flora said as she pointed for Prince Leonardo to go back to Princess Ashlynn.

Princess Ashlynn held her hand out as Prince Leonardo took her hand. He closed his eyes while Princess Ashlynn had anger look on her face and in her eyes. "Yuck!" He said as he did a quick kiss on her hand and wiped his mouth.

Leonardo: (V.O.)

I can't believe I'm stuck with her all summer

I'll bet she doesn't wrestle, hunt or box

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