03 confession?

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Its now been almost a year since youve known the boys, it feels like just yesterday you met them, youve been wanting to tell jimin now that you feel comfortable enough to let him no, but... jimins been really distant latley..
Its been 2 weeks since hes spoken to you.you assumed it was work or he was under stress, but that thought only made you want to find him and help him with whatever was bothering him. You stare at your book, im hand, for a few moments before grabbing your phone from your sweater pocket.

"Hey, (y/n)..why are you so lonely these days? Arent you always with jimin?"
"Oh, hobi..i was actually just about to try and call him again.."
"Again? What do you mean, has he not been answering you?"
Your head fell slightly and he quickly ran over to you holding your face in his hands.
"Hey..dont be sad~look! Hobi is gonna cheer you up!yeah!" He continued his mission to make you happy by making funny noises and cute little faces, he even stood and did a silly girl group dance for you, finally you gave up, you busted out giggling and hoseok laughed too, his smile making you light up more,
"Thank you hoseok, youre an amazing soul"
"Yeah, i know i am" you both proceed to laugh again till a knock sounded on the door

"Come in!" You yell and place your feet on your desk and place your book down on it, putting away your phone.

"(Y/n), you invited us over to hang and youre not even in here with us" tae pouted cutely and you laughed slightly "fine we're coming." You and hoseok follow tae down the hall to where the boys are.You look at them all, "wheres jimin-ssi??" Kook asks "he hasnt been around much...im sure weve all been worried though, right??" namjoon looks at everyone," not me" yoongi says in smug tone "ah, yoongi dont be an ass, now isnt the time to!" jin complained to the man laying on the couch.

Your phone dings as you are in the middle of talking to jungkook and jin, you open your phone and see its from jimin, your heart stops.

Jimin its been two weeks ,please

(New message)
How are the guys?

we're fine..we miss you..

I asked about the boys,
not you so dont include yourself.

What the fuck...what was wrong with him???
The sudden attitude change worried you

Anyway is there anyway we can meet later? I wanted to tell you somthing..

Jimin is typing...

I fucking guess so.

The boys took their leave and you sat down at your desk again staring at your phone, a notification appeared

Im outside, open the door

You instantly ran out and unlocked the door, he was there sitting on the steps, once he saw you he turned his head, you got even more nervous about telling him but withiut thinking, continued anyway

"Jimin..uh-" he interrupted you in a cold tone..
"Can you just hurry up so i can go..?"
You wanted ti just shut up and not say anything but your mind did otherwise,"jimin, i wanted to tell you...that..

im in love with you..."

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