Chapter 29

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3rd Person P.O.V

"Your right," said a very important person familiar with the guild. As soon as the voice hit everyone's ears they knew who it was.









Lucy Heartfila

Nastu turned around as soon as he heard the voice, he looked at his old teammate with shock.

Before anyone could say anything the villain's strike, by strike they ran but blew up the already blew up bar, dust scatter everywhere.

Nashi P.O.V

Mom... Before the explosion, we made eye contact. She doesn't want me to say anything to anyone, not yet.

"Lucy..." i heard someone whispered, it came from behind me. "When i looked behind me i saw team Nastu, but for a flash second, i saw them when they were younger.

I stood back, no one needed to know about my connection with mom, im not going to fuel the fire.

When i looked around one more time i saw people running in the distance. When i finally noticed who it was i started running to them, Luke and his friends. "Luke!" i called he noticed me, we met halfway. "Is everything okay?" he asked i nodded "Yeah everything's fine," i noticed his friends kept running when they all were gone away from us i caught him up and told him not to connect with mom. He nodded, but both of us couldn't hide our smiles.

When we finally got back, we noticed mom was bombed with questions, and non the less a lot of crying. Mostly by Nastu, the questions not the crying. I walked by Erza and we made eye contact, she knew, thank goodness, and she told her kids to and her husband, still wondering how those two met.

I walked over the Mom, i was going to play dumb..."Who is this?" i asked, Luke, nodded. The people who knew our secret looked at us and smiled, then went back to what we were doing. Everyone knew who mom was because i was the first to join the guild since she left. Apparently Miss. Levi, Gales mom wanted to play along...'don't know how she found out' i sarcastically thought

Levi smiled "This Luke and Nashi, is Lucy Heartfelia"

A/N: AHHHHHHHH i don't know what to do really, please comment what i should do, if you guys don't start giving me feedback im going to kill off a character, OMG IM KIDDING!!!!! but maybe i should...... Jk (Just kidding) But please give me feedback, there are only about 10-15 chapters left.

Or should i end the story sooner...? NAH!!!

I really hope you guys like this chapter. If i get 20 Votes and 20 comments by July 1 (By 20 people) I'll upload every that week, and each chapter will have 800 words to 1000.

Fairy Tail next generation [Under Editing ]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang