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Jimins pov
Im home
It doesnt feel like it
Im mentally weeping, for my eyes are dry,but my heart is not
I play it over in my head like a broken record
Keyword "broken"

Its painful to think that i was so stupid,  i couldnt stop the words that flowed
She was a beating heart, and my words , were the spear, shooting through without warning, ending everything
Im sorry dear one, because of me, you are losing yourself.

(Y/n) pov
I keep thinking about that girl,
does she wonder what kind of man she has, the kind that would not hesitate to lash out harsh words when you are breaking before his own two eyes.
Beauty that was once in his smile, his heart, his eyes, now is trampled on by his change

I reach for my book and find the sketch of namjoon from the other day, changing into a new outfit and walking out of my house, this time, locking the door.
I reach where they are staying and knock, it was namjoon,  perfect

"(Y/n)" he smiles, his dimples revealing"goodmorning!"
"Good morning joon! I wanted to give this to you!" Handing him the folded paper he scans it,without opening,"is this that drawing you did yesterday?" A bigger smile forming, i nod
"Thank you so much~!" He ruffles your hair,
You smile, and after he invites you in he had you sit in the couch, questionable, but you did anyways,"(y/n) im going to help you out with forgetting about jimin."
You stared at namjoon, could it work? Would i be able to? Yeah, jimin broke me, but im still confused , a small part of me still thinks that loving him is ok, but my brain tells me otherwise..you breath in and look at namjoon,  youll take your chances,"how?"
"Youre going to start dating!"
You were shocked
But...it sounded like it would work, falling for another guy, and HOPEFULLY not getting turned down like that again. Like you had said before it wasnt the rejection that got you, it was the fact that he had so much hate soilling from his words.
You gave it though and agreed with namjoon
"Great! Cause there are already 2 guys that wanna try!"


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