78: Hangover(2)(Viktor X Reader)

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Viktor X Reader

Wake up! Wake up! It's 9 o'clock in the morning! It's beautiful sunny day, don't lose it!" you hear in your dream. When you open your eyes, you can see mess after last party and that you are in the living room. You try to stand up, but awful pain hit in your head. Hangover.

"Damn... I don't remember anything. Except that my friend brought the people whom I've never seen before." you are thinking and lie on sofa again. After few minutes you try to stand up again, this time successful.

Everywhere where you look, see mess.

"And I have to clean it alone." you thought and go to the kitchen, to drink something. You take glass of cold water and drink it slowly, looking around the room. Suddenly you saw a note on a fridge.

"Great party! I hope we can meet soon again! Call me when you wake up.
Viktor Nikiforov"

It was on it and a number. When you read it, memories from last evening hit you.
"OMG! VIKTOR WAS HERE!"you shouted and start to think what to do now.

"Should I phone him? Or better not? God, what an awful headache! I can't think!" you're talking to yourself.

"I should take something at first. Then I'm going to think what to do now." you're thinking and take some medicines. You're reading that note which he left over and over again.

"He like the party... And he want to meet me again... And he want me to call him... And... I don't know what to do now!"

Suddenly you hear your phone ringing. It's your friend.


"(Y/N)?! Girl! You are crazy! You know what did happen yesterday?"

"Yes, but I can't think about it..."



"Call him! He is waiting!"
"I don't know... Wait! How do you know that he want me to call him?

And how do you know that he is waiting?"

"Calm down! I know because he told me, and now he stands next to


You don't know what to say.
"Wait. He want talk to you." she tells. After few seconds you can hear him.

"Ehm. It's me. You didn't call so... Sorry... I don't know what to say."

"Me too. I'm sorry because of that what happened last night. I'm not always like this."

"Nothing happened. I really like that party. It was great."

"You left me that note. It was for the real?"

"Yes. I think I was still a bit drunk when I wrote it, but it was for the real."

"So you really want to meet me again?"


"And it will be a date or just friend meeting?"

"How do you want." you can hear him laugh.

"So can it be a date?"

"I'm going to be happier if it will be like that!"



"So... when are we going to meet?"
"Maybe... today?" he ask and you can hear someone is knocking. You slowly walk to the door and open it.

"At first I'll help you to clean your home and then we're going to have great fun, all right?" You don't know what to say and just smile. "He is so adorable. And now maybe is going to be only mine...?"

Yuri On Ice X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now