Chapter One

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The pink haired girl who's name was Rosie continuing along the path holding a leather pink backpack turned around, smiling brightly at him as she waved and began running back. She curiously looked at him, tilting her head to the side with an innocent look.


"I'm starving!"

She rolled her eyes playfully and plopped down onto the dirt, releasing the clip from her backpack. She pulled out a bag full of sliced apples and lightly handed them to Jaden. He cheerfully smiled before diving in to the meal. Despite not liking apples, he dealt with it. If you were hungry, you'd rather eat then starve, right? Rosie looked at him without an expression. She seemed deep in thought so he didn't bother disturbing her. A few seconds later, a nearby explosion shook throughout the area. Both of them jumped onto their feet in fear. Jaden threw all their items in, pulling out keyblade in a split second. He tossed it into the air. In a bright blue flash, it turned into a black and white colored blade. He grabbed Rosie's hand in response. A blast of magic boomed right next to them in a split second. Rosie and Jaden both looked at each other. Another ball of magic was sent straight in their direction. The sword and the sphere of magic collided, send surges of magic throughout his body like lightning. He dropped the sword and threw it up. It transformed back and he pointed it at the black figure standing in the direction they came from. He shouted a few words and a streak of white came out of the tip, striking the mysterious person's weapon shaped like a wand. They both heard a laugh and soon, the person walked out of the darkness.

"What the hell Alice?" Rosie scolded. "I fucking hate you! I swear you fucking piss me off."

"Wow. I came by to hang out with you guys and your that bitchy girlfriend- or should I say old friend here decides to be an ass. So what am I? Your side chick? We used to all be friends. What happened to that? Can I not say hello?"

" Excuse me?"

"Guys! Holy shit, calm down. She' not my girlfriend and you aren't my side chick. I don't even know who I'm attracted to so please, stop.' Jaden interrupted 

"Fine. Let's both forget this ever happened." She remarked, clearly agrivated, "Anyways, are you okay? I hit you pretty hard. I didn't think you'd be stupid enough to try to block it."

"Yeah..I'm fine. Why'd you hit us anyways?"

"You left me behind..?"

Silence took over the conversation as the all continued to walk. Alice seemed pretty close to Jaden. This pissed her off but she never lost her temper.. that is.. until someone came out and grabbed onto Jaden, pulling him quickly into a soft kiss. A calm expression covered her face as she held her hand up. A sharp rose gold dagger appeared in her hand. She took of in the direction of the person, raising the blade. The person let him go and flashed to the side. A smile replaced her plain expression. She continued to follow the person, tossing the knife at the person. The female cried out in pain as it passed through her sleeve, leaving a deep cut on the persons arm. Rosie took this chance and snaked up behind her, grabbing her neck with her arm and placing the knife right by her neck. Fear filled the purple haired woman as she shrieked underneath. Without a second thought, the pink haired girl lifted her hand. She ignored the cries and pleas of the woman as she stabbed it straight into her shoulder. Rosie dropped her onto the floor before walking off. The knife shattered into pieces and vanished. Rosie heard the faint worried calls of Jaden and Alice before everything went completely black. When she awoke, she heard the sounds of machines beeping and chatter. She looked around. 

"You're fucking bullshit. She's not going to that camp."

"It's necessary! Do you want me to kill her off?"

"Touch her and you're fucking dead. This is your last warning."

"Last warning? Are you threatening me?"

"That's it!" Alice snapped.

Rosie heard the deafening scream of the doctor as she tore off the IV line in her arm. She pulled down the curtains of the ER room. Dead bodies lined the rooms. Her clothes were soaked with blood and Jaden was in the room, passed out for some reason. She picked Jaden up and inspected him, searching him for any injuries. Finally, she picked him up and walked outside.

"We should get going."

Alice nodded, changing into another pair of clothing. She tossed Rosie her old outfit.

"I'll meet you outside."

Rosie agreed and ran outside, watching Alice flick a match into the pile of corpses before following behind. Rosie casually shrugged as she continued to head towards the back door.

What have I got myself into?

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