My War Decision 017

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Vote and Comment~ I updated!!! I have tea once again. Cramps are finally gone~ Chinese school starts soon once again ;-;

(Not Edited)

(Y/N) Pov:

I opened my eyes. "Where am I?"

"Don't worry (Your Nickname)~" I got myself up to see Cai XuKun. I looked at him again. Jung Jung? Then I looked at him again Cai XuKun?

"Why are you calling me (Your Nickname)?"

"I always call you (Your Nickname) though."

"Don't you call me something else?"

"No, I just call you (Your Nickname)."


"(Your Nickname) the drug in the strawberry is confusing you." I got out of the couch and hugged him from behind. My cheeks feel heated up. "Kun Kun..."

"I'm not Kun Kun." "I'm Jung Jung and please get off of me."

"Teddy bear~"

"Let go." "We have the starting of the ceremony." "That is gonna start if you don't get off of me right now." "You seem like a sober."

"I'm NOT!"

"Yeah, yeah, but we gotta go like right now." I let go of him.

"Can I at least hold your hand?" I asked.

"If, you holding my hand stops you from hugging me ok."

"YAY!" I held onto his hand and we walked out of the room.

We reached to the huge room and everyone was gathering up in there. Everyone was staring at me and Jung Jung when we walked into the room. Is there a problem with holding people's hands? I just need help from him. I can't stand up well. My vision is going pink... I can't see... The next second my vision came back.

"(Your Nickname) are you ok?"


"Just tell me the truth." "Be honest to me." "I'm here to help you."

"Well, can you tell me the truth?"

"Yes." "And I'll always tell you the truth."


"Why what?"

"Let me finish my sentence."

"What can a Dream God do?"

"I can basically do anything I want." "From entering dreams and to have dreams of the future."

"Have you ever had any dream about me?"

"Well, once." "Only once." "And I don't wanna talk about it right now."

"Oh ok."

"I, Hong Li, have an announcement to make." Everyone turned around to face her. "I, Hong Li is finally getting married to someone soon!!" "Since everyone knows us gods and goddesses are about 70,000 mortal years old at this generation." "It's also known that we would get married some point." "And my parents approve of this marriage." "And so is the one I'm marrying." "To be exact his parents said yes."

"Who is he?" someone shouted.

"He's right beside me."

"Cai XuKun," I mumbled.

"Did you say anything (Your Nickname)?" Jung Jung asked me. He touched my cheek. "Why are you crying?"

"I'm scared..."


"Cai XuKun is my future husband."

"I knew it," I mumbled once again. I knew it, I'm nothing to him. He's cold and brutal. Hong Li likes snatching everything. She wants everything. I'm nothing compared to everyone in this room. My opinions don't affect anything. I looked at Cai XuKun who was standing next to Hong Li with his curly hair and suit. He stared back at me. Looking into my eyes, like staring into my soul. Hong Li staring at me, smirking. "Pathetic." "Pathetic for me to come here."

"(Your Nickname), you're not pathetic," Jung Jung said.

"I am." "I'm sick of this."

"Your eyes (Your Nickname)."

"Control your angry."

"Pathetic..." "Pathetic."

"Your eyes are red (Your Nickname)."

"Shut up."

"(Your Nickname) CALM DOWN!" Everyone was staring at me. I thought I was just normal and nothing more than simple. My heart hurts.

"Bunny stop!"


"Bunny, stop!"

"This time I was wrong." "I was wrong to love you." "I thought I could hide it." "But." "You've only caused me pain." I looked into Cai XuKun's eyes. They were icy blue. Cold. A sword appeared.

"冰冷剑," Jung Jung mumbled.

Third Pov:

"冰冷剑." "Also known as an icy cold sword." "A sword that is only summoned for one's emotion." "Made from ice that is impossible to break." "Cold like ice." "Made from the death god himself." "Handmade." But when one summons the sword." "You'll have to kill the closest person that whom may hate or love." "Brother or sister." "Cousin or friend." "Family."

(Y/N) Pov:

I watched Cai XuKun grabbing the sword. I watched everyone spread out and he aimed straight towards Nong Nong. I ran as quickly as fast as I could. "STOPPP!" I shouted. I watched the blade go through Nong Nong. Nong Nong turned his head around to face me and smiled. "NONG NONG!" "CAI XUKUN, I'll never forgive you!" I crouched down to lay Nong Nong's head on my lap. "Nong Nong... Don't die on me."

"(Your Nickname) I knew I was the sacrifice..." "Don't cry... " "Please don't cry."

"Why is it you?!"

"Jung Jung is not lying." "His dreams are true."

"Don't die on me." "Don't leave me here, alone."

"Don't cry-" he said then he closed his eyes.

"Argh!!!!" I shouted in pain. "I, (Your Full Name) will." "Eliminate, Hong Li at all cost!" "Even if it's the cost of my life or youth!" "I will destroy you." "And don't forget." "And you." I pointed at Cai XuKun. "I have declared a war against you." I grabbed Cai XuKun's sword. I felt my hand burn. I felt my vision slowly blur out. I felt weight on my head. Then a 古琴 appeared. I grabbed it and my hands started to play a song. Each note was blasting off a swish of red roses that were shaped like sharp darts towards Hong Li. "我永生永世不会爱上你,蔡徐坤!(I don't know how to translate this...)" Suddenly time stopped. Everyone was in there place.

"(Your Nickname), you've realized that you've stopped time."

"Who are you?"

"Now (Your Nickname)." "You have two options, but they both have sacrifices you need to make." "Option one, turn back time and sacrifice your youth." "The youth of your hair." "It will turn white and so would your face turn old." "And never to fall in love with Cai XuKun." "Option two, fight this war you just declared with the world of magic." "You chose."

Vote and Comment~ I finally updated, but it's up to you(Readers) to chose between option one and option two. Option two seems more of my option that I like more cause I have more ideas for that one, but it's up to you~          

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