Chapter 16

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They stopped fighting and looked at me. "But he-."

I interrupted him. "Fighting over a broken pen is pointless."

Isen then began to chuckle.

"What's so funny?" Blyke snapped.

"She made pun."

"No I didn't." I rolled my eyes. "If it was a broken pencil, then it would have been a real pointless effort to fight over." I giggled. "Now that's a pun."

They rolled their eyes. "Fine." Blyke walked towards me. "We'll stop." He then playfully punched my arm and walked back to class.

Isen walked towards me and stopped. "Don't mind Blyke, he does that to all pretty girls."

"Oh, so I'm pretty now?" I snickered.

"I can't deny it." He started blushing. "But Blyke is close to Remi."


"So, are you friends with John...?"

"Yeah, what about him?"

"Do you know..." he paused. "Ah nevermind."


"Nothing, it's just that Arlo once wanted me to do research on him once."

I remember John telling me Arlo knew, so... does Isen know but John doesn't know that Isen knows.

"And what did you find out?"

"Too much."

"I already know something about him, so just tell me."

"He was expelled at his old school."

"For what?"

"Apparently he took down half his graduating class, but that's not why."

Half his graduating class? I took down most of mine... Wow.

"Then why?"

"It was because the school couldn't control him."

"Ah, so like if you have someone or something you can't control, you have to rid of it?"

He nodded. "That was in his second year in New Bostin High." He paused. "But a year later, he started attending our school as a second year, and as a cripple. So I've been trying to figure out what happened in that year between that school and starting at Wellston that made him change?"

"Good question." I started thinking. "I think I can find out."


"I can-" I stopped. "Wait, can I trust you with this?"

"Why wouldn't you be able to?"

"I don't know you because you just transferred, and you've been hiding the fact that you knew about John."

"It was to protect the school! Who knows what would happen if he went on a rampage again?"

"I would-" I shut my mouth.


"Nothing." I can't tell him, he already knows too much about someone that's hiding his ability for a reason.

I looked at Isen and seen that he was determined to find out what I was going to say.

"You say anything, or mention anything to anyone about this confrontation, I make sure you never blab again."

He nodded and started walking off, and I followed because class was still in session.

After the final bell rang, I grabbed my bag and headed outside and waited for Amber and Seraphina to get there.

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