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Melanie walked onto the platform, forcing a big and bright smile. Her shiny dark black hair swung down to her shoulder blades.
The director behind the camera gave her a big thumbs up and a scarring smile. Melanie turned her back to the camera before she whipped her head around, that dazzling smile still lingering. Melanie hated Pantene™ and never used their products not once, but $20 was $20. Especially when it was multiplied every thirty minutes.

Nobody truly cared about Melanie or her fake-ass wig. They only care if the wig looked too good to be true. Melanie knew this, and it hurt just a little bit. Her boyfriend only stayed with her because of her chihuahua, Lulu™. She knew that too, which made it much harder to smile for the camera, but Melanie pushed her inner thoughts away. This wasn't about fame or money...this wasn't for her. Melanie's smile dropped for a moment as tears welled up in her eyes. The director, being calm, rational, and professional, grabbed a completely full Pantene™ bottle and yeeted it at the young lady.

She was never good enough.

She wasn't ... Pantene™.

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