One More Chance (Yesung X Reader)

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Hi, chingus! x) It feels weird mixing English with Korean though. Well anyways, let's start with a Yesung oneshot because I've been thinking of this plot lately and he's the perfect fit among the members for this one. Sorry if there are typos at this one, it's quite long and I got lazy proofreading it. Do understand, chingus hmmf.

Pardon for the very boring narration, I'm not a sucker for POV'S. Just do feel the story though, support me huhu.

I hope you will like my first story, enjoy! - salientesolstice


All the younger members rushed in towards the ruckus they heard in one of the hyung's room, panic painted on their faces as the rants and cries echoed through their dorm.

When all of them gathered at the facade of the room, they started to become hesitant, knowing that if they interfere into the scenario, it would become messier. Shindong decided to call Leeteuk and Heechul, both who are in another schedule, informing them that something happened at the dorm and them being at the moment would be a great help.

"Should we really go inside Yesung-hyung's room? He even started hurting and attacking noona right now, how much more if it's us-------" Siwon was cutted off when Kangin slapped him at his shoulder.

"Think about the woman inside there. It's his girlfriend, crying, being emotionally drained by Yesung's twisted mind. We can't let that passed by, (Y/N) needs us." Kangin exclaimed, immediately banging the door open and witnessed a very emotional scene right before them.

Yesung was on his knees, holding your hand, begging for mercy to not break up with him. It was eminent that his voice was breaking, his body trembling, scared of the thought that he's losing his favorite person. You were there, staring at the ceiling, tears streaming down your face.

"(Y/N), please... I'm begging you, don't leave me alone out of the blue. I'm trying to change for you, for us, for the best just please... give me another chance. I can't handle this, please, I'm so so sorry, it's all my fault..." Yesung panted, loss of words because of the guilt that's killing him.

You weren't really sure if you'll be breaking up with him, you loved him but you've been hurt so much with his upside-down attitude and that part of him almost got you dead last night. You were urging to hug him at that moment but half of you wants to run away and leave him all alone and moved on with your life.

You decided to speak, squirming to let go of Yesung's grip.

"Yesung, let me go." You insisted, pushing him away from your body but darn, he was strong.

He continued to sobbed and hugged you even tighter.

"Hey, don't call me that... I'm your Jongwoon, (Y/N)-ah... Please don't do this, give me another chance please... I love you, just please..." he called out sweetly, his voice still shaky.

You stiffened the moment you heard the range of his voice, feeling your heart raised. This was the kind of Jongwoon you fell head over heels for. Despite his rough and brazen attitude, you know for the fact that it was never his intention to be like that.

You stared at the sight of him, his eyes were already puffy, his face is swollen and he never let go of you since you shouted that you're breaking up with him.

The memories flooded and the anger resurfaced you again.

"Yesung, let go. Now." you said in a very cold tone, giving Yesung a stern look.

Your heart is aching but you've got to do this, the toxicity is taking toll on your mentality that you can't bare any of it anymore.

The boys are strucked of what they saw. Both you and Yesung didn't noticed them entering the room, they just stood there, waiting for Yesung's reply.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2018 ⏰

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