Chapter Eleven

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We silently drove halfway home, Erai of course demanded that he drove, and I couldn't say no because Kylie and Ryan were watching, making Erai seem even more of a 'gentleman' and in Kylie's words, 'a considerate boyfriend'.

"So... Jake now was it?" Erai broke the silence, his smug voice already making me want to punch him in the arm. "Shuddap." I snapped, looking back out the window to cover my embarrassment.

"Care to explain any of that back there?" He ignored my snappy attitude, and I huffed out in irritation. "I could ask you the same thing! Boyfriend?! Really?! You couldn't have just let ME talk?!"

"Hey, I saved you back there you know. Right after you lied to me and everything. I at least deserve to be thanked and given an explanation." He gave me a demanding look, and I rolled my eyes.

"You first Romeo. Why were you 15 minutes early?" I asked annoyed, but he only scoffed. "More like 45 minutes late." He didn't hesitate to bring up the fact that I had lied to him. I winced slightly, but still stood my ground.

"Still, I- Never mind. Anyway, why did you say you were my boyfriend? Now Kylie is going to bug me non-stop about why I didn't tell her about 'our romantic relationship' sooner, and why I lied to her about us just being friends. Well, I did lie. We aren't even that."

"After all I've done for you?" He said in a fake hurt time, and I scoffed. "And I only said that because it was pretty obvious Kylie wasn't buying your story. So I went ahead and jumped in. Now I can hang around you all I want and touch you, and it won't be suspicious or weird. But I mean really, an acquaintance? Don't I get a little more action than that?"

I blushed slightly, and Erai smirked knowing he'd gotten a satisfying reaction out of me. "I- You- ..... Ugh just shut up!" I turned away again, making a fool of myself. Again.

"Actually come to think of it... Kylie didn't seem to think I was making it all up. So I don't think you'll get any questions from her. And that other dude, you should have seen the look in that guys face." Erai chuckled, and I bit my bottom lip as I frowned. Another painful ping.

"I did." I said as my voice wavered. Erai stopped laughing, and just stared at me with an unreadable expression.

"But seriously, why did you tell me you got off at 6?" No matter how hard I hoped it, he still kept prying.

"None of your business." I bit out, and Erai frowned. "What if you had gotten hurt?"

I froze momentarily, and then turned around to face him. "What? Why would you care?" He frowned even more at my question, as if me asking had annoyed him.

"I know I haven't been very clear with you about the whole Djinni thing, but if a Djinni's master dies without making all 3 wishes, the Djinni dies with him. It might not make sense to you, but a Djinni who can't even grant 3 small wishes or protect his master has no reason to live. They're better off dead." His voice was cold, and his eyes were hard as they stared ahead at the road.

My eyes widened, and I regretted saying that to him now. "Oh..." I said awkwardly. "... Sorry."

He didn't say anything more for the rest of the ride home. He only kept staring ahead at the road as if he was thinking about something unpleasant. I didn't make an attempt to talk to him any further, and just stared out the car window.

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