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Who trips you in the hallway and why:

Aries- Nina, because you and Jeff are better friends than her

Taurus-Slender, because you didn't do anything what he asked for

Gemini-Clockwork, because you used her to only see what time it is

Cancer-EJ, because you didn't give him your kidneys

Leo-Sally, because you didn't play with her in last few chapters

Virgo-Hoodie, because you took his cheesecake, but he quickly apolagiesed

Libra-LJ, just for fun

Scorpio- BEN, because you always call him an elf

Sagittarus- Jeff, because you were friends with Jane

Capricorn- Jane, because you trieed to prank her with Kagekao

Aquarius-Offender, just to see you mad (A/N let's see how he dies! >:D)

Pisces- noone dared to

Request by DraganettShade

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