07 hnnnnnnn

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"Yeah, one is a friend of mine and the other, a friend of taetae's!"
If they were friends of the boys then, they werent bad guys,right?
Date:mission 1
"So, (y/n)..this is jungwoo"

(Ahh my nct baby~)

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(Ahh my nct baby~)

"Hello (y/n)~, its very nice to meet you, and i hope this date goes well"
You smiled softly at the boy before you, his
Soft eyes made you giggle a bit, this felt weird. Going on a date to forget about some guy, it seemed selfish too..as if you were using these guys...
"Hello jungwoo, its nice to meet you too.."
He smiles widly, namjoon bid a farewell and left you two to hang out at the park. Jungwoo was very sweet and tried many times to make you smile, a man walked past as you, as jungwoo was buying you ice cream, the man suddenly yelled as his friend high fived him over somthing he said
jungwoo had a tiny smile and repeated in a baby voice"thAts wHat iM tAlKin bOuT.." to which you buseted out laughing at, he looked at you and started giggling,

"Ohmygoddddjfjdfkdjsj jUngwOo, youre so cUTE aHahahHha YOU JUST, uwu "
"Hey, i made you laugh, at least youre enjoying yourself,thats all i want today, you to have fun!"
You smiled hugely at that, he was so sweet, caring, and wanted you happy, any girl would dying to have a guy like this so why out of everyone did he want to date you? What jad namjoon told him
"Youre too good for me jungwoo" you let out as you giggled
"No im not~ i wish i was good enough for you though"
Wow.. he was somthing
"And even so, if you dont return feelings its ok, we can be friends! I just wanted to meet someone who was as amazing as i was told she was.. "
Aw ,namjoon must've spoke highly of you...
"Well, right now i dont know what to feel, maybe i wanna be with you but i dont really have a feeling to where i would actually want to..you get me?"
He nodded,"yeah, totally, like i said whatever decision you make, i just hope we can still talk, youre a good person and thats why i wanted to meet"
"HNNNNNNGGGGGG youre too perfect dude"
"Thank you~"
You come back to their door with jungwoo and namjoon sat up from the couch
"How was it?"
Jungwoo smiled shyly and hugged you,
"It went well.." you said
Jungwoo then spoke
"But, We're going to be friends for now, yeah.."
Namjoon looked back down and thought
"Ok then, i mean, as long as you guys dont hate eachother then im ok with whatever u guys decide"
You nod to them both, looking at the time you sighed "gotta go i got work tomorrow,bye guys, goodnight"
They waved and you walked home, opening the door and locking it you retreat to your room, smiling you grab your phone, ready to place it on your nightstand when you get a text,looking on your lock screen 2 messages pop up



You roll your eyes and dont even bother to open the messages, letting sleep consume you.
Jimins pov

She didnt respond, ironic, right?
Why did i even decide to text her? Why did i feel the need to talk to her, ive been crying for a while now, god, i feel pathetic..

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