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Hello, I would like to mention my 'criptic' book covor that's weird but I assure you it has something to do with the story in the end. Also the story isn't going to end anytime soon sooo. Yeah. There is a confirmed book 2 tho!!! But more importantly, I would like to thank Fucking-Way for making me a book covor for the story wich iw I'll show right here :33

 There is a confirmed book 2 tho!!! But more importantly, I would like to thank Fucking-Way for making me a book covor for the story wich iw I'll show right here :33

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Its so beutifull thank you! xx :3

I would also like to thank my friend RyanRossismysmolbean because she also made me a book covor like 10 minutes after I found out about Fucking-Way's covor, and that is right beloww c:

I would also like to thank my friend RyanRossismysmolbean because she also made me a book covor like 10 minutes after I found out about Fucking-Way's covor, and that is right beloww c:

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It to is beutifull thank you to frend xx

Oki ima go go now

Wait I have a question for all you readers

Would you rather have longer updates but take more time to write, or shorter updates that go out more quickly

Okay bye :///

Oki so it's like the latter and like and LIKE WE FINALLY gOT 666 VEIWS LIKE SJDJshhsnsJS how this story isn't even that good, and it's horribly edited '-'
But, thank you for reading :')

Oki onto what everyone cares about, the book

Chapters 31, 32, and 33


The two aproatched Mikey and Gerard's house, with bitter silence.

The two kept there hands merged together- well, not really. Frank had a grip on YN'S hand, his body shaking. He squesed her hand, trying to calm down.

Frank sighed, and let go of her hand, letting it fall softly back to the side of her leg.

"Ready?" Frank asked no one pasificly.

YN noded, and then immediately after, Frank pressed his fist to the door three times.

Knock, knock, knock.

Frank Iero X Reader (RA911)Where stories live. Discover now