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After 3 days, I was still thinking about the kiss. How can the prince like me? I'm an ugly waste of space.

"Whatchu thinking about?" Taehyung came up to me. I shrugged and continued eating.

"Wait- do you seriously like me?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I don't know why but I just do. Problem?" Taehyung replied.

"No... it's a bit impossible, don't you think?"

"Don't question love. It has its ways..." his voice drifted off slowly.

"Okay...?" I muttered slowly.

He just smiled cheekily at me and a rectangle appeared on his face. I couldn't help but grin a little as well.

All of a sudden, his face turned blank and he seemed to remember something.

"Oh! By the way, your next princess training will be held at a forest. You'll be having a camp!"

Why don't I know anything about the schedule of the princess trainings?


Wow. I love being bitten by 5000 mosquitoes, don't you?

Taehyung came along with us, and his bag was very bulky. One girl brought 5 luggage for a 3 day trip.

"What's in your bag?" I pointed.

"Right- let me introduce you to my friends." He then proceeded to take out 4 extra large tiger plushies and a dog cage. What?

"This; is Tino. He's my favourite, I believe you've met him before. I brought him to your room once. Then, this is-"

"I'd love to get to know all your tiger friends, but what's in that cage?"

"A dog, obviously. You blind or what?"

"You better pop, lock and drop that attitude young man,"

"Wha- you're ordering a prince around now? Seriously?" Taehyung scoffed.

"You're nothing like a prince!"

"Then I'm more of a human than you,"

"What, you're calling me un-human?"

"Yeah, you're strange. Abnormal!"

"Me? Abnormal? Have you seen how much of a barbarian you are?"

"Barbarian? You've got to be kidding me. I'm a fine man, with fine qualities, mind you,"

I burst out laughing and he furrowed his brows at me.

"Why are you laughing? It's tru-"

"GUYS SHUT UP!" The other boys shouted. They came along too, since they're always following Taehyung around.

"Ugh, you shut up," Taehyung snapped back. "Anyway, this is my fluffy bundle of joy, Yeontan!" He opened the cage and carried a small black and golden coloured puppy. It was small and derpy.

"Oof it's fluffy," I admired him while patting the fur. "Can I play with him? Please, please!" I reached out my hands for Yeontan.

"No, it's mine. Go away," Taehyung replied, holding Yeontan close to him. I frowned and turned away, sighing in annoyance.

"Ah, whatever. Let's set the tents up," I suggested.

"Do it for me, you're my servant,"

I groaned and started setting up the tent when Jungkook suddenly appeared out of nowhere and helped me.

"I'll help, don't tire yourself," Jungkook told me, making me sit down.

"I'll help instead. Jungkook, get away. I'll do it," Taehyung said in a very monotoned voice. "Don't act like a man, don't try to impress her. I know what you're thinking. I see through your soul," He concluded his statement by glaring at Jungkook.

"Uh, yeah. Cool, Taehyung, I'll do it for you." I stared at them with my face scrunched up.

"NO! I'll set it up. I'm more of an expert than everyone, anyway," He continued glaring at Jungkook.

"Riiiiight... I'll be going now, sorry for the inconvenience!" Jungkook drawled, walking backwards slowly.

"It's not your fault, I'll apologise in his stead; sorry." I replied, showing him a sheepish smile. "You know he can be a pain in the ass sometimes." I continued.

"Naw, I just think he's jealous," Jungkook has a toothy grin on his face. I rolled my eyes and smacked his shoulder to shoo him off.

"HEY! COME HERE AND HELP YOUR ALMIGHTY, GREAT AND HANDSOME PRINCE!" Taehyung shouted at me. But I guess the guards around the area mistook it for something else and ran over to help him instead.

I snickered and turned around to walk towards the other guys. They were all watching and laughing along.

Their tents were already set up and it made a circle-ish shape. All the tents were supposed to form a circle together and there were just 2 empty spots.

"Girl, come here!" Someone called out. I turned towards the sound and realised that shouter was staring at me.

"Me?" I mouthed.

"YES! Get your ass here, now!" She bellowed. I stared in confusion and jogged towards her.

"What is it?" I ask her, staring.

"Set up my tent for me, girl." She ordered.

"No, do it yourself. You have hands for a reason," I frowned and decided to go back.

"Not so fast, girl!" She pulled me by her hand and dug her nails into my skin.

"First of all, I have a name; Hae Won. Second, get your filthy little claws off of me before you receive a bruise on that pretty face of yours,"

"I don't care what your name is, but I'm avenging Nayeon and I'll not let you off that easily," She smirked and flipped her nasty hair in my face.

Oh. So she was one of Nayeon's followers that ended up in the top 5. My life is great.

"Is Nayeon thankful for having such a great follower like you?" I asked her curiously.

"I'm not a follower. We were like best friends since kindergarten," She replied, giving me a look.

"Yeah... uhm, great TED talk," and just like that, I turned around and took a step forwards before remembering something.

"Please be useful just this one time and do something for yourself," Then I used my feet to move some of the camp equipment towards her. "And don't bother me anymore, I don't have time for brats like you. Thanks."

So she just stood there stunned as she stared at me walking away. I smirked and burst out in laughter after being so badass. I'm so proud of myself.



hi dooods i can only update once a week now since my phone/laptop cannot be used during the weekdays ;-;


mOre camP scenes to come and i honestly don't know what i'm doing with this story like it's trash but i don't want to throw it into the bin. you understand??

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