Chapter Seventeen: Intro To A Fight

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Catie and Tao stood in front of each other, looking sad and somewhat afraid.


Catie smiled and approached Tao, giving him a tight squeezing hug.

"I know we'll win, Tao."

Tao rubbed Caties back, comforting her.

"I know you'll win this fight. I'll be cheering you on."

They both pulled away, and grabbed each others hands. Tao snapped his fingers, leaving his place with Catie to the office of Chun Hei.



"My name is Catie."

Chun Hei sighed, and corrected herself.

"Catie, you and Tao are going to walk out there, and face the other guardians. I will be out there to name them one by one, and their main elements. Tao, you will stand back out of the fighting area."

Both Catie and Tao nodded in understanding.

"Good, let's go."

Chun Hei lead them out of the office, and out into the fighting ground. Catie saw 10 guardians lined up in row, having a serious look.

"I will now introduce our 10 guardians."

Chun Hei walked over to the first guardian, and started speaking.

"This is Suho, guardian of water. He can perform many dangerous tasks with his element such as a tsunami. Be careful."

Chun Hei walked down the row, introducing the next one and so forth.

"This is Xiumin, guardian of frost, or snow. He is the eldest amongst the guardians. Next we have Kai, guardian of teleportation. He-"

Catie gasped, and shouted.


Kais eyes widened, and realized the human was Catie.


Catie went to speak, but was cut off by Chun Hei.

"We can discuss this shocking matter, after I introduce everyone."

Kai went back into standard position.

"Next is our Sehun. He is the guardian of wind. He is the youngest amongst our guardians. This is Lay, guardian of healing. He can also do the opposite of healing, or make your wounds worse than what they are."

Lay gave Catie a cheesy smile, and waved. Catie smiled back and waved slowly.

"Lay stop."

Chun Hei frowned at Lay, making him go straight faced.

"Here is Chanyeol.....Guardian of Fire."

Chun Hei sighed before proceeding.

"He's also the guardian of idiots."

The other guardians snickered, trying to cover up their laughs.

"Although he's an idiot, he is very powerful. He can set the world ablaze if he wanted to. Next we have Chen, guardian of lightning. Don't get on his bad side."

Chun Hei walked over to a short, owl looking guardian.

"This is D.O, guardian of earth. Short, but powerful. Kris here is guardian of flight. He can cause many things to happen with levitation and flight of course. Finally, last but not least, Luhan. The guardian of telekinesis. He is really powerful, and can control your movements."

Catie walked up before the guardians, introducing herself.

"I'm Catie, the human that fell in love with one of your guardians Tao. Apparently I have to fight you all just to stay with him, but you know, who cares right?"

Catie snorted sarcastically. Kai approached Catie, putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, I'm sorry."

Catie hugged Kai quickly, and walked back to her place. Chun Hei stepped in the middle between the guardians and Catie, putting her hand up.

"This fight will start...."

Chun Hei waved her hand down quickly, and shouted.


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