Chapter 30.

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Authors Note

Here's that Double Update I said id do😊

Please Vote/Comment I really appreciate it since it let's me know who's actually reading, I put a lot of effort into updating everyday for you guys so please just do me this small favor. ❤️

Follow my Instagram @EatReadWriteRepeat for edits (:


Harry's POV

"I'll be right back," I tell Louis as I quickly stand up from my seat.

"Okaaaaay, I'll be here," Louis says giving me a confused look.

I exit the VIP area as fast as I can weaving in between the crowds. And just as I rush past the whore dance floor I bump into one of the girls that were dancing earlier, sending her to the floor.

"I am so sorry I didn't see you,"I tell the scantily dressed dancer as I help her up from the floor.

"Okay it okay," She says with a smile as she grabs my arm helping pull herself up.

"Are you sure you're alright? You hit the floor pretty hard," I ask just to be sure.

"Fine, I fine, no te precupes guerro," she says giving me a smile, still holding my arm.

"Okay. Well once again I'm really sorry for bumping into you," I tell her hoping she'll get the picture and let go of my arm now.

"Dance?" She asks as the DJ changes the music to something a little slower.

"I can't. I have to use the bathroom," I tell her trying to say things a little simpler, hoping she gets it.

"You want take me bathroom with you?" She asks her face lighting up, tightening her grip on me.

For fucks sake why couldn't this girl understand just a little more English?

"No," I tell her shaking my head, " You stay here," I tell her pointing at the floor, " I go. Not you. Just me." I pull her hand off my arm and begin walking towards the bathroom, the girl following behind.

"Don't follow me," I tell her feeling my last bit of patience wearing thin. She gives me a blank expression, clearly not understanding what I'm saying.

"Bathroom you and me, NO," I tell her using my hands and shaking my head no.

"Si, I go bathroom with you," She tells me grabbing a hold of my arm again.

I mentally slap myself as I take a deep breath trying to explain to this chick that she needs to go away.

This could take a while.

Anissa's POV

I turn the faucet on scrubbing my hands with the vanilla smelling soap as I look myself over in the mirror.

My eyes are a little glassy from the tequila in my system but other than that my makeup looks the same despite the warm temperature inside the club.

Suddenly I hear the door slam open, followed by the sound of hands slapping against the black tiled floor, startling me.

What the hell was that?

I quickly shut the water off, grabbing a paper towel as I slowly walk around the large mirror blocking the door to see what the noise was.

A man with slightly wavey hair in a white shirt is laying across the floor, not moving. I slowly walk over to his side.

"Uh do you need help?" I ask unsure of what to do in this type of situation. Just as I consider walking around his body to go get help he finally speaks up.

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