15. Children of the Damned

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Allison knocked on the Salvatore Boarding house and only waited a few seconds before it opened to reveal Damon. He smirked down at her and handed her a coffee that he had made for her since he knew she would be cranky and she smiled drinking the warm liquid. "Oh, your a life saver!" She cheered. "Technically I'm a lifestealer." He joked. "Oh, ha ha." She laughed sarcastically as he said, "c'mon in Alliecat." "So why did you call me at seven o'clock in the morning to come down here?" She was a little aggravated since she liked her sleep. 

Damon led her into the living room and told her, "so we can get started on getting the journal and also so I can mess with my brother and his girlfriend." Allison couldn't help but perk up at that and Damon smirked when he saw a devious glint in her eye. They headed up to Stefan's room and what she saw almost made her gag. 

She didn't want to see her friends after a good nights lovin'. It was gross and looking at Damon she saw the same grossed out look on his face, but she followed suit and sat beside him on the bed. "Rise and shine, sleepy heads." Damon chimed. Elena and Stefan immediately shot up and tried to cover their bodies, "Damon! Please." Elena's eyes landed on Allison and she pulled the blanket even more to cover herself. "Allison, what the hell?"

"Hey Elena." Allison waved. "What are you two doing?" Stefan demanded. Damon rolled his eyes, "oh, stop being smutty." Stefan propped himself on his elbows and glared at the two of them, "get out of here." "If I see something I haven't seen before, I'll throw a dollar at it." Damon said and grinned when Allison began to laugh. "yeah, you guys," She began grinning, "I mean, the only problem would be if you didn't use protection because we all know how that'll end." Allison ducked a pillow that had come soaring towards her face.

Elena and Stefan watched the two of them as Allison high-fived Damon and the two were laughing hysterically. Oh no, they'd become friends. Stefan and Elena had seen them bonding and knew that she was probably helping him get Katherine back, but they didn't really think they would actually become this close where they would be laughing and joking together. Elena found it odd that Allison was so comfortable with someone she had only met a few weeks back and Stefan was thinking exactly the same thing for Damon.

When the two had finally managed to calm themselves down Damon began to get on the topic at hand, "Listen. There's some very important business to discuss." Elena looked at him incredulously, "And it has to be right now?" Allison moved her arms around in an exasperated motion, "Yeah, I know right. He woke me up at seven in the morning. Insanity!" "Hey I made you coffee!" He said pointing to the cup she set on Stefan's desk. Stefan looked at the cup that Damon pointed to and then looked at his brother in shock. His brother never did nice things for other people, not unless he got something out of it. Allison only shrugged. Damon rolled his eyes at her, "Your a drama queen. Anyway we have lots to do now that we are all friends and working towards a common goal." Elena and Stefan looked at each other.

Allison looked at Damon and asked, "umm, define 'friend' in your vocabulary." Damon glared at her playfully and she smiled innocently up at him. He got up off the bed and turned to face them, "so in order to open the tomb we need to find the journal to get the Grimoire to undo the spell. So, first things first, since you are Elena Gilbert, your on journal duty."

Elena glared at him, "since when am I helping?" Damon shrugged, "well, Stefan's helping..." He looked at Allison and she smirked. "And you've taken up residency in Stefan's bed..." She finished. "Ergo." Damon and Allison said in unison. Stefan rubbed her leg, "you don't have to do anything that you don't wanna do." Elena sighed, "I'll look for it today." Damon turned to Allison and told her, "and you are staying with me just in case they don't have the Gilbert journal and we have to use your expertise to get it."

Allison smirked, "Oh, you mean B&E. Me likey." "How do we know that this journal will hold the location of the Grimoire." Stefan began, "I mean, were really gonna take the word of this vampire? He seemed like a bit of a dimwit." Damon looked towards Allison and she shrugged, "In lieu of any other options." He told him. Elena sat up and asked, "what exactly is a Grimoire anyway?"

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