She Totally Remembers

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I woke up on my couch, and was confused until I remembered what happened the previous night.


I got too awkward and embarrassed to even think about sharing my bed that night.

Julie was up before me, sitting up on the bed, seemingly deep in thought. Her gaze fell onto me and her cheeks went red.

She smiled. "Hey."

I flashed a quick, awkward smile in response. "Hey."

Our interaction afterwards was short and a bit uncomfortable. Neither of us mentioned the previous events, but I'm pretty sure she remembered, I mean, I sure remember. She didn't drink that much.

I stood at the door while she stepped out the house. Then, she paused, spun around and looked at me. She stared for a time that felt too long before she planted a quick kiss to my lips.

A shy smile made its way onto her face as she glanced up at me, slowly backing away. "Merry Christmas, Genevieve."

She spun back around and walked quickly to her own house across the street.

"Yeah..." I managed to say, just as a random burst of confidence came to me. "Merry Christmas."

I turned around, shutting the door, only to be met with a smirking James. Damn.

"Y'know..." He set down the cup in his hand. "I knew you liked her, but not that much."

I responded with a frown, a look I foolishly hoped would deter him from teasing me. It didn't work.

"Tell me," he continued, now sitting down, eyebrows raised. "You two didn't do anything bad last night right?"

I shook my head, turning my head in an attempt to hide my warming ears. "No, of course not. Nothing bad happened."

He sighed, smiling gently in a you-can-totally-trust-me facade. "Look, I know it may not seem bad, and you're at that age w — "

"James, shut up."

I stopped, lips tight as he tried to restrain a smile. James laughed at me. He laughed at me. What a good brother he is.

"Okay, okay, we don't gave to talk about this now." He took his cup from the table and leaned back in his seat. "I need my Christmas present. This house isn't gonna clean itself."

Ugh, cleaning.

He watched me do the work for the first hour before deciding to help me for only half that time because I didn't do something right, like setting the video games in the order he's used to, or not cleaning the right spots. I did it all on purpose, and I'm sure he knew that too but didn't care.

While I did all this hard work, he made himself comfortable on the couch, feet propped up on the end will his head rested on the other side. While sweeping, I 'accidentally' wacked him in the head with the broom while 'accidentally' flicking some water at him when mopping. All by accident, of course.

I'm not a mean person.

When it was finally done, I set up the Playstation while James ordered pizza. The usual Christmas tradition of pizza and video games, or, almost usual. There were a couple times when it was on a school day. Those days sucked.

James sat down next to me. "What should we play?"

I shrugged, looking through the now organized collection of games. "Sly, GTA... WWE?"

"Let's go with the last one."

"Wrestling, really?" We hardly ever played that. I can't even remember the last time I did at least.

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