Season 3 Episode 12: Clear

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"You got it." Dad said. Today, Dad was teaching me to drive while we were going back to King County with Michonne and Carl. "Dad, I know what I'm doing. I've drove before. Remember? After the farm?" I asked and looked at him. "Eyes on the road." He said. I looked back at the road and saw a man coming towards us. The man started screaming for help and I looked at Dad. Dad shook his head and I kept driving.

I drove off the side of the road at a crash site and looked around at all the corpses. Suddenly, we stopped and I hit the gas, trying to continue driving. I heard the tires spinning and looked back. "We're stuck in the mud." Dad said. I pulled off the gas and sighed. "You've got to be kidding me." I whispered. Several walkers came up to our car and started pounding on the windows. "Cover your ears." Dad said, pulling out his gun. We covered our ears. Dad poked his gun out of the window and shot one of the walkers in the head. After all the walkers were dead, Dad tried to find something to get the car out of the mud. "This'll work." Dad said and stood up with a scarf. We walked back over to the car. "Tell me when." I said, getting back in the driver's seat.

After I got the car unstuck, I saw the man from earlier running towards us. Dad, Carl, and Michonne got back in the car and I started driving.

I parked the car at the police station and we all got out. We went inside and looked for the guns. All of the guns were gone. Dad kicked a wall, getting really frustrated. "Calm down." I said. "You got any other police stations in town?" Michonne asked. "I was the police here. Me and a few other guys. Ain't a big town." Dad said, looking at her. He looked around again. "There's other places to check. May not have as many guns as were in here but-" Dad said. "We need as many guns as were in here. Ammo too." Michonne said, interrupting him. "Yeah, we do. But right now, I only got a line on a couple. There's a few places on the main street. Bars, a liquor store. Owners had a gun or two behind the counter that people didn't know about, but I did. I signed the permits. They might still be there." Dad said. I nodded. "Do you have a problem woth that approach?" Dad asked, looking at Michonne. "No, Rick. I don't have a problem." Michonne said, shaking her head and handing him a bullet.

We walked down a street and stopped at an opening. We saw a pile of burnt bodies. When we turned a corner, I saw a lot of animals in cages and my eyes widened. This was clearly a trap. "It looks like someone already made this theirs." Michonne said. "Doesn't mean they've found what we're looking for. A couple of the places are just up ahead. We'll just get in and get the hell out of here... There. Tyrell's." Dad said and pointed at a store. "Shotgun and two handguns. Licensed to Tyrell Debbs." Dad said. We dodged the spears and the sticks as we walked. Carl stopped Dad and pointed at a walker that was behind us. Michonne started walking towards it but Dad stopped her. The walker got caught in a trap and someone shot it in the head. We all looked up and saw a man on a rooftop with a gun pointed at us. We all put our hands up. "DROP WHAT YOU GOT AND YOU GO! YOUR GUNS, YOUR SHOES, AND THAT SWORD! ALL OF IT! YOU GOT 10 SECONDS!" The man yelled from the rooftop. "Run to the car. Now." Dad said. "We need that rifle. I think I can get up there." Michonne whispered as the man counted down. "Carl, Anthony, go." Dad said before he shot at the man. I grabbed Carl's hand and we ran towards the car as Dad hid behind a truck. I looked around but I couldn't find Michonne. "Stay here." I whispered as we got to the car. I looked around again. The man disappeared and Michonne was on the roof of a building. She shrugged and the man walked out of the building, still shooting. He got closer to the car as Dad tried not to get shot. Carl shot the man down. I looked at Carl. "You okay?" Dad asked him. He nodded. "I told you to run for the car. I didn't want you to have to do that." Dad said. "I had to." He said and looked at me. "We don't feel bad about what we have to do." I said. Dad kneeled down, tapping the man's chest lightly before tearing his shirt open. "He's wearing body armor." He said, taking the guy's body armor off and finding only a bruise. "He's alive." Dad said. "Do we care?" Michonne asked. Dad sighed, taking the guy's face mask off. "Yeah..." Dad said.

Dad and Michonne left Carl and me to watch the guy Dad called Morgan while they went to find a way in. We were sitting against a wall. "We don't talk to each other much anymore. What happened?" Carl asked. "Everything. There are too mamy conflicts in this world. There's not as much time for talking anymore." I said. "It's only gonna get worse." He said. "Don't say that." I said. Before he could say anything, Dad and Michonne were back. "Come on." Dad said as him and Michonne lifted Morgan and led us to a building. "Careful. There's traps." Dad said. Carl and I stood behind Dad and Michonne when we got to the top of the stairs. Michonne went to take a step. "Woah." Michonne said, bringing her foot back. I looked at Carl. Dad slowly pulled a curtain, revealing a bloody axe. "Damn." I muttered under my breath. Only Carl heard me and he nodded. They stepped over something and continued walking. "Carl, Anthony, watch the wire." Dad said. We nodded and followed Dad and Michonne into a room that had chalkboard walls with words written all over them. "I showed him that weapons locker last year." Dad said. I looked around at all the guns. "And it had all of this in it?" Michonne asked. "No, not even half." Dad said. My eyes widened. "How did this guy get all this stuff?" I asked. "He's been busy." Dad said. "Yeah. No kidding." I said. "The cot." Dad said, looking at Michonne. They moved Morgan over to the cot. Carl and I looked around at everything. Michonne, Carl, and I grabbed bags and started putting ammo and weapons in them. "No." Dad said. I looked at Dad. "What?" I asked. "Make sure he's okay." Dad said. "He tried to kill us." Michonne said. I agreed with her. "He told us to go. He didn't know who we were." Dad said. I looked at Carl. He didn't agree with Dad. "He tried to kill us and we didn't leave him for the walkers. He's had a good day." Michonne said. "Damn." I muttered. "He doesn't need half of these guns. We do." Michonne said. Dad looked away. "We're waiting for him to wake up. That's it." Dad said. Michonne sighed. "Have you taken a look around this place? The axe, the spikes, the walls." Michonne said. Dad turned to her. "You think he's crazy?" Dad asked, tilting his head. "No. I think he's dangerous." Michonne said. I kind of agreed with her. "I know him." Dad said. "He wasn't like this then." Michonne told Dad. "We're gonna wait for him to wake up." Dad said, turning away to tie Morgan's hands together. Carl looked down and walked away. Dad followed Carl. Michonne picked up a bag of chips. "What are you doing?" I whispered. She shrugged. "I'm hungry. Want some?" Michonne asked. I rolled my eyes. "We're eating his food now?" Dad asked, walking back over to us with Carl behind him. Carl looked at us. "The mat said 'Welcome'." Michonne said. I held back a laugh.

Later, Carl, Michonne, and I left to find a crib for Judith. "You don't have to come with us. We can handle it." Carl said. "I told your dad I'd help you." Michonne said. Carl scoffed. "Yeah, okay." Carl said. I rolled my eyes. "Be nice." I said. Carl shook his head as we walked by a caged rat. I saw a walker in the distance. "Guess we should take care of that." I told them, pointing at the walker. Carl nodded and Michonne walked towards it with her katana. Carl grabbed my hand and pulled me in the opposite direction. "What are we doing?" I asked. "We don't need her." Carl said. I rolled my eyes. "Why?" I asked. Carl rolled his eyes and continued walking. I followed him. "I'm not going for a crib. I'm going somewhere that has a picture of Mom for Judith." Carl said. I chuckled. "Still doesn't mean we had to leave her." I said. Carl laughed before Michonne caught up with us. "What the hell was that?" Michonne asked. Carl looked at her and then me. "We want to do this on our own." Carl said then turned to walk away. "Uh, Carl." I said. He stopped and looked back at us. "You're passing the baby place." Michonne told him. I knew he wasn't going there, but Michonne didn't. Carl sighed. "I'm getting Judith something else first, okay?" Carl said and turned to walk away.

Michonne looked at me. I shrugged and turned to follow him. Michonne followed me. We were in a line. Carl at the front, me in the middle, and Michonne at the end. I rolled my eyes and ran up to Carl.

We stopped at a cafe. Carl looked through the window of the door. He was about to open the door, but she grabbed him by the arm and pushed him away from the door. He walked back to the street. Michonne sighed and tried to catch up to him. "You think I was gonna let you go in there?" Michonne asked. He stopped and turned around. "I just think it's none of your business. You don't know me, Anthony, or my dad." He said. "I came out here to help." Michonne said.

"You came out here for common interests! We have the same enemy and the same problem and that's why you are here! That's it. This is important, and I'm going to do this. I know how I can and you can't stop me." He said and walked away. Before he went too far, Michonne stopped him. "I can't stop you, but you can't stop me from helping you." Michonne said. I smiled. Michonne was awesome.

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