Chapter six

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I've just settled Oscar down, I sigh lightly as I come down the stairs to see Laurence in the small kitchen being a domestic, well considering I can't cook for shit. It's good to have someone who won't give us both food poisoning.
I come up beside him and touch his shoulder as I take a big breathe and smell the food he's slaving over.
"Smell good?" He chuckles.
"Yeah! What is it?" I beam, excited to eat.
"I'm making us a chicken paella, now get out MY kitchen" he laughs, nudging me over.
I grin and shake my head, laughing to myself as I walk out the kitchen.
The adverts play through my tv programme and I hear Laurence plating up, and setting up the table. I rush over to grab a good seat, opposite him. He sits, dragging his chair out and smiles at me. "Enjoy"
I tuck in and demolish it within minutes, gosh I must've been starving.
I lean back and sigh with satisfaction.
"Wow, that was awesome. Thanks!"
He grins at me and picks up our empty plates and puts them in the dishwasher.
I go back to my programme and Laurence joins me, sitting beside me on the sofa, I pull a blanket around me to snuggle up to.
I wake up from a deep sleep, feeling a hot breath on the top of my head, I feel a movement, my head on Laurence's chest. I put my hand on his chest and play with his shirt slowly, realising we've fallen asleep like this.
He looks so peaceful, so sweet when he sleeps..
I close my eyes again to try nod off once more, his body warm next to me, my fingers trace the bottom of his shirt, touching his navel. I then wrap my arm around his waist and I relax.
I wake up to a bright light from the window and I blink furiously, I sit up and smooth down my hair and rub my eyes. I look over to Laurence who's just woken up to my movement, I kick off the blanket and get up, I yawn and pour myself a bowl of cereal. Knowing we both fell asleep on the sofa together makes my stomach clench. My heart starts to race, but I try to eat my nerves away. Scoffing a spoonful of cereal into my mouth.
"Morning.." he smiles over to me, standing up and stretching his arms over his head, his shirt lifting up to expose his taught stomach and navel that travels down to.. well..
I blush and stare a little, looking back up to his face and smile.
"Morning!" Choking on my mouthful.
He pulls up a chair and eats an apple from the fruit bowl and takes a big bite. My mind goes wild, I shake my head to try get rid of these naughty thoughts.
We've taken Oscar to the small village, I'm pushing his Buggy as he's chomping down on a rich tea biscuit.
I look at shop windows and talk to Laurence about his university studies and I pluck up the courage to talk about Isaac, I feel my stomach churning like a washing machine. He face becomes hard and shakes his head, im about to get lectured.

"I don't think he deserves you, both of you." He face becomes softer as he looks at me, I shrug at his answer.
"But you deserve to be happy.."

"Oscar needs a dad. His dad."

"I don't think so, you do such an amazing job all on your own"

"Maybe, I want a happy family Laurence." I snap.

"I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings like that" he looks away from me and he takes a big sigh.

I screw up my nose and sniff, trying to hold back tears that are already flooding down my cheeks, he turns around to face me as he hears my sniffles. He cups my face with his warm hands and He slowly uses his thumb to push away the tears off my cheeks.
"Please Em, I don't like seeing you this way.."
I look up into his soft eyes, my heart booming. My face begins to get hotter, and redder from his intimate touch.
I nod and mumble "mm" and I pull my face out of his hands and I shake my head.
"I'm alright, promise"
I smile at him, fake. I'm so fake. I was lying to him, it wasn't alright. I wanted him to touch me more, to kiss me with those lips of his.
I continue to push the buggy on forward and roll my eyes with how pathetic I probably looked. He catches up behind me and keeps silent.

I wanted to kiss him so bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2018 ⏰

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