Chapter 25 - A Wolf's Smile

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"Yes hello?" Zach's mother answered her cell phone.

"Loraine, hi it's Rohan."

"Oh Rohan, how are you?"

"Fine, I was calling because my housemaid Diana said she came in this morning and noticed Elizabeth's bedroom was empty. She was going to give her a ride to meet up with your family. Did you happen to pick her up on the way?"

Zach's mother scrunched up her face confused and turned to her husband.

"What is it?" he answered, puzzled by her expression.

" we didn't come get her. We assumed that she slept in, Zach came home very late last night."

A sense of dread washed over them.

"She's not with you?"

"No Rohan, I'm sorry. We thought she was home sleeping."

Elizabeth's uncle fell silent, his heart sank into his stomach and it took everything in him not to drop the phone.

"She...she's not answering her phone. Are you sure Zach dropped her home last night and not anywhere else?Not to a friends house?" Rohan himself knew that was impossible since they were planning to meet in the morning anyway. But still he wanted some hope, some clearance as to where his young niece might be.

"Yes I'm sure he dropped her off right infront of your house."

There was a long silence as everyone's mind began wondering off for the worst, but for Rohan the worst seemed impossible.

Could his brother have had something to do with this? Could she be in danger?

Rohan hung up and ran inside the house, frantically calling out for his niece but to no avail.

"What happened?" Zach's father asked Loraine.

Loraine looked down at her phone, her eyes were sad and strange. "I-I don' know, Rohan said Elizabeth wasn't home this morning so he thought she was with us."

"Well...maybe she went out with a friend and forgot her phone?"

They both knew that sounded unlikely, and yet they hoped however unlikely that might be that she was at least somewhere safe and would come home soon.

"Let's not mention this to Zach right away." Zach's father spoke as he kept his eyes on the road in front of him. Loraine kept her eyes on her phone, hoping that Rohan would call her and say oh never mind she was in the bathroom, or went to grab some coffee or any kind of confirmation that he found her. She hoped and prayed to her phone as she gripped it.

"...Ok..." she agreed with her husband. The last thing they wanted was to cause Zach any more worry.


Elizabeth woke up with a pulsing headache, her eyes adjusted to the low light room. She sat up on the uncomfortable mattress, her hand sunk into it.

She was too tired and too hurt to panic, as much as her brain was telling her to try and get out all she could do was sit up and take deep breaths.

She held her hand over her wound, the blood had soaked her bandage.

Looking down at her hands she noticed her clothes were different. She was in a pajama short and white button up blouse. Immediately she felt violated and crossed her arms over her chest, bringing her knees up into a fetal position.

Not much longer, the door opened slowly. The door itself was well hidden, there was no lock that she could see. It would not be possible to pick it. The door was very heavy and since she did not hear any footsteps before it opened, she assumed it must be sound proof.

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