Chapter 23

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"Huh!" I almost squealed.

"You were zoned out, both of us were calling you for like five minutes."

"Sorry." I shook my head. "I'm fine." I walked over to the couch, grabbed my bag, and went to the door. "I'm going to head to school now, thanks for breakfast." I walked out and then dropped myself on the floor.

I sighed heavily and used my book bag as a pillow. I knew they weren't coming out soon, so I laid there for a while.


I looked up and seen Isen standing there, looking confused.

"Why are you laying there?"

"Oh," I stood up, trying to act mature. "I felt tired so I laid down."

"Outside the room you just left?"


"Kami, you can tell me."

"It's nothing." I started walking off until Isen stopped me.

"It's John, isn't it?"

"What do you mean?"

"He told me and Blyke," he paused. "Blyke does like you too, but he likes Remi too, and he can never choose, that's why he just flirts with both of you."

"And what about you, huh?"

"I'm afraid so, but John's feelings are greater than both mine and Blyke's combined, that's why we didn't say anything."

I just stood there.

"Kami," he put his hand on my shoulder. "Why are you ashamed of this?"

"You don't know, but last time someone 'confessed,'" I air quoted. "It was a bullshitted lie, and he was only out to get more information about be before trying to kill me."

"But none of us from Wellston are like that."

I just looked down.

"Don't make that face," he put his hand under my chin and raised my head up. "Pretty faces shouldn't be sad."

I grinned a little, trying not to laugh.

"There you go, now let's head to school." He wrapped his arm around me and we headed out the dorm and walked to school.

As we walked, everyone was staring, and I knew what they were thinking. I don't want another fight breaking out over me. I took Isen's arm off of me and slightly stepped to the side.

"What's wrong?"

I just pointed around us, indicating everyone was whispering.

"Oh." I laughed. "I forgot."

We walked into the school and I just headed to my classroom silently.

I sat down and just put my head down. Too much to think about, not enough brain power...

I heard everyone walking in, but I never moved my head. That is, until I felt something laying in it.

I moved my hand on top of my head and took the notebook off of my head. I looked up and seen Seraphina laughing. "You forgot this, silly."

"Sorry, have a lot on my mind."

"I can tell, usually you're talkative and perky."

I just shrugged and set my head back down on the desk.

The bell rang and class started. Everyone went silent as the teacher started talking.

"Okay class, for the next few days, you will be working on a project with a partners."

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