Chapeter 12

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Hi guys, i know it's been a while i posted. I was busy and stuffs. So, yeah. Let's hop into the story, shall we ? 

Prada's POV

Just like Hunter i was awestruck by that stranger's beauty and i absolutely hate myself for admitting this, but for the first time in my whole entire existance in this planet, I was just a .......... little bit jealous of Hunter.

I feel like i'm such a crappy friend for being jealous. It was a very small, teeny tiny jealousy so in no time I will surely get over it. I took a deep breathe, inhaling and exhaling. Okay, i already got rid of it. Feels awesome. Back to my track now. I curled my lips up happily.

Even if the stranger wasn't a magnet, I was getting the vibe that he was because Hunter without having any care in this world was already following him like his tail.

I slightly groaned and jogged towards Hunter. It wouldn't take a genius to understand that girls present in  this store are eye raping him and my !? even some boys are looking at him with the same amount of lust and adoration in their eyes.

Oh, uh. I think I'm surrounded with gobs of gays here. Not that I'm comlaining though. I've always had this crazy fantasy to make a gay best friend. Think about the possibilities.

I could share everything with him without me having to fear his critisizm or the fear that he would start to like me.

" Pshht, Hunnie bear why are you following him? Stop right there! " She just did was glare at me and continued moving wherever he is heading.

This store is huge so it's really difficult to find people you are looking for.They could be anywhere inside the store. It's more like a maze to me.  But lucky me.I saw Peyton sitting in the cash counter playing with the strands of her hair. I slightly smiled and walked overtake Hunter and that sexy handsome hunk.

" Looks like someone's bored. " I dumbly said after i reached the counter. She looked up and smiled feeling relieved. I was standing opposite to hers.

" Oh, it's you. I thought it was again another freak who wanted to buy all those punk albums. Today i got like twenty or more junkies buying those and they wouldn't stop flirting with me !! " I smirked thinking about a quick smartass reply.

I was going to open my mouth nut she looked straight from me and brought her eyes behind my shoulder. Then her eyes went as big as a saucer and looked like in no time it would drop to the floor. Her face mirrored shock, horror and disgust. Some cash that she was counting also fell to the floor. She stood there like a statue.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What?" I asked confused but all i got as an answer was, " I... uh,,,I....I...uhhh" I rolled my eyes and myself looked back of me.

Oh, i internally laughed and my lips stretched from both sides. I think that stranger got everyone to his knees. Because right behind me was the handsy fella with an album in his one hand and another one was in his pant's pocket. Behind him was Hunter lookingf at his back like a love struck puppy, as if that fat old cupid from tangled movie hit her with his diluteless lover's bow.

She was twirling the ends of her hair with her pointing finger and looking at him dreamily making all googly eyes. Someone save this girl please. But i can't actually blame her. 

I returned my gaze to that stranger and saw him copying the same exact expression that of Peyton. Suddenly he tensed and stiffened too but collected himself and made a poker face.

His legs moved forward and stood right next to me. I was following his each and every moves with my eyes. I guess he sensed me looking at him and looked at me straight into my black eyes. I got totally freaked out and dropped my gaze to the floor.

He snorted unattractively, "Well, well, well look who we have here. If it isn't Peyton my darling, What an unpleasent surprise!. I could hear him spatting out utter hatration while speaking.

First time i heard his voice and i already adored it. It was husky like he is speaking from down of his throat, had a very thick british accent and his speed was not so fast.

Looking back to Peyton, she was still abd neither her face's expression had changed nor her body's. Meaning it looked like someone used a magic spell and froze her.

Since i was standing beside him, I could hear everything crystal clear. OK, not crystal clear, but still.

"You were mentally dumb before but didn't know that time has made you physically dumb too." He stated with amusement playing on his voice.

What the hell is going on here? I couldn't even utter a word even if i  wanted to and could'nt look at his face. I was too scared to do that. So i was looking eagerly at Peyton's face for her reply. She shook her head finally coming back to senses. With gritted teeth she spat, "Harry,what the fuck you think you're doing here. You bastard?" She called her name as if she was reminding herself that he was itself him. while practically shooting daggers to him.

Oh, his name is Harry. But why does his name sound familiar?

So, this is it for this chapter. I know it's short because im not feeling well and i typed everything in less than 30 minutes just now. Things are about to get started so stay tuned. xoxo

 650+ reads for next update :)

An Untold Story (A Harry Styles Fan~Fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz