Victoria and Cameron Byrd

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  • Dedicated to @MrsElijahBrown

            I’m going to my third Hollywood Ending concert and I’m beyond ecstatic! I’ve been a fan for around two years now but I've never been able to meet them. But this time, I got VIP! I’m finally getting to meet the guys who mean so much to me. I’m going to the concert with two of my closest friends. My friends really wanna meet Dan and Tyler but me, I’m hoping to meet Cameron out of all of them. That cute little boy look and the somewhat curly hair and those eyes that could make metal melt. He is just one gorgeous boy. My friends and I got to the venue and got inside and ran all the way up to the front. Since we had VIP we were allowed in first which was definitely an advantage. The concert started and we sang and danced our hearts out. During You Got Me, Cameron looked right me and smiled.

After the concert I went over to the merch table to buy a new shirt and bracelet and then I went back over to my friends to talk to them and wait till we could meet the guys. "I really hope Cameron isn't sick again" I said "I will die if he is, and I will cry if he isn't" My friend laughed. "I'm just glad Tyler got his voice back, he always loses it..." "I love Dan's hair" Said my other friend. I laughed and agreed. Who doesn't agree with that though?! He rocks the red hair. When we were finally allowed back stage I started to freak out. This is it. I thought. This is when I finally get to meet Cameron Byrd of Hollywood Ending! I was so excited that I was practically in tears. Cameron was meeting some other fans so I had to meet the other guys first. First I talked to Tyler. "You have the cutest dimples ever!" I said. Tyler smiled and gave you a hug. Next was Dan, "I love your hair" I said smiling. "It's so red" Dan laughed and I handed him the bracelet I made. He put it on his wrist with all of the other ones he has.

No one was by Cameron now so I took your chance and ran up to him. "Hi Cameron!" I cried. "I'm a big fan" Cameron smiled. "Hey! I know you, I've seen you at concerts before. This is your third, right?" He asked. I nodded. "I've never been able to meet you though, I've wanted to for a long time though" I said. Cameron smiles. "What's your name?" he asked. "I'm Victoria" "Well, Victoria today is your lucky day" Cameron said. "Well duh, I finally got to meet my celebrity crush!" I said and then slapped my hand over my mouth. "Then it's my lucky day" Cameron said smiling. "Why is that?" I asked. "Because I get to take you out to dinner" Cameron said. He winks and I blushed. "Really?" I asked. Cameron nods. "Tomorrow evening, call me and we'll set it up" He said. He hands me a slip of paper with his number on it. I take it and put it in my pocket and give him a hug. Definitely the best concert ever. I thought.

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