❤️ Meeting Anna Brizzbin (Brizzy Voices) ❤️

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On June 22, 2018, I went to my first VidCon and I was able to meet Brizzy. She is so awesome! She is sweet and funny and adorable! She makes me so happy and I can relate to her. I love her so much!

*  As I waited in line, I was so excited to meet Brizzy. I reached the front of the line and when I got up to her, she welcomed me with a "Hello Gryffindor!" because I was wearing a Gryffindor shirt. She then complimented my necklaces. They were the deathly hollows and a time turner necklace. She also complimented my hair. I was wearing double buns. She 'booped' my left bun.

I told her that I love her and that I watch her all the time and that she makes me so happy. The thanked me and said "Your so cute!" Then she hugged me again. Then we took pictures hugging and said goodbye. But then she said "One more hug!" and I hugged her again. Then we said goodbye and I walked away.

My VidCon ExperiencesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant