Chapter 37

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Christmas Eve dinner had been filling, despite our current circumstances, and waking up the next morning was difficult. Apparently I was the only one who felt this way, as when I finally made the effort to get up, I noticed that the fire had been tended too. This, along with the fact that as I had been waking up I had felt a lack of warmth next to me, indicated that Kaelyn had already woken up.

Looking across the small hut I noted that she was staring out the doorway, mumbling to herself. Too quiet for me to understand, I waited patiently for her too finish. There was always a reason for something and Cassie had taught me it was rude to interrupt people unless it was necessary. Since I was waiting I decided to make some tea for Kaelyn and I. Kaelyn had apparently thought of this, as the pot was already over the fire.

Smiling at the fact that we had gotten to the point where Kaelyn knew what I wanted in the morning, I sat on the edge of the bed. With nothing to do at the moment my thoughts drifted to the fact that today was Christmas. This was the first year that I was not home for Christmas. Cassie knew where my presents for the children were, but knowing her she would make them wait for me to return home. My return would be enough for her and Ezekiel, though some of the clothing Kaelyn had made would serve as fine presents as well. I had to get there first, but that was not something I was concerned about.

Even though I was not home, that did not mean I had to wait to give Kaelyn her gift. After we had both made our cups of tea, I would give it to her.

Noting that the mumbling had stopped I greeted my companion, "Good morning."

Looking at her she replied in kind, though there was a look in her eye and a slight noise in her words that hinted at her thoughts. Hoping to ease her I offered, "You will see them soon enough. We have to trade with them eventually, and your father deserves to know the truth."

Nodding her head in agreement she agreed, "Yes. And I am going to drive a hard bargain for our goods..." as a sparkle gleamed in her eye.

"No, I will not rob him blind. I just want to show him that his years of teaching were not wasted. He is my father, and he and mother still need to eat." She added as an afterthought.

Despite knowing that she would never actually try to hurt her parents, I was glad to hear her say it out loud. Shaw had been good and fair to me in the past, and I did not want to hurt our relationship in any way. Kaelyn had an impressive bargaining ability, yet she had so far only been doing so with coin, and she did not just how much I relied on Shaw during the trading season.

Pulling away from my thought process I asked, "Is the tea ready yet?"

Walking past me, Kaelyn investigated the pot. This gave me time to notice the change she had made this morning to the interior of the room. Everything had been tidied up, and a piece of pine bough hung from the top of the entryway. It was not much, but it added that feeling of Christmas.

Smiling faintly as I thought of home, I did not notice Kaelyn staring at me.

"You know it would not hurt for you to be a little more cheerful at times. Especially today. It is Christmas after all."

Grunting at this I replied, "I am different than you."

Rather than reply, Kaelyn poured tea into both cups.

Turning around so that she could not see, I pulled out the present I had made for her. Since I had made plenty of foraging trips, which gave me access to numerous types of options, the comb was a deep brown color. I had made others but in the end I had decided that it was the best of the group.

Hiding the gift behind my back, I turned around just in time to accept the cup from Kaelyn. Thanking her for it I set it carefully on the floor where I knew it would not be kicked. Now that it was safe, I pulled out my gift.

"Merry Christmas Kaelyn."

With a look of shock and surprise on her face, Kaelyn unfolded the white rabbit skin that I had used as wrapping. Cassie and I did the same back home, as it was hard to get butchers paper to use as wrapping. Besides the children loved the hides that their presents were wrapped in, as they were allowed to keep them and use them as they wish. Natelie had with Cassie's help made clothing and winter wear out of various pelts over the last two years. In a few years she would be as skilled as her mother, a good quality to have in the world we lived in.

My thoughts must have distracted more than I had intended, as I heard Kaelyn ask, "Z?"

Shaking my head I admitted, "Sorry. Got distracted. What were you trying to say?"

"I was saying thank you. I forgot to grab mine before I left. This is beautiful though, are you sure you want me to have it. It must have taken hours the carve the handle, and these roses on the handle, this is some of the best carving I have ever seen."

Containing my delight at her reaction I countered, "You are too kind. My hands are for trapping and hunting. Carving is just a hobby. Besides, if I had the time and tools I would have sanded it, polished it, and made more pieces to go with it... But I am happy you like it. I made it because I had noticed that you had never shown any sign of having one since we met."

Setting it aside on the bed Kaelyn looked at me for a moment before her hands went up to her throat. Unsure, I watched as she undid something, and covered it with her hands. Looking into my eyes she explained, "I want you to have this. The part of me that this represented is gone, and I do not want her back. My life is my own now."

At that she lifted her hands and revealed a silver ring. A small gemstone of a dark green sparkled for the top. I had seen plenty of rings in my travels and I knew that it was worth a small fortune. The work was undoubtedly by the best jeweler in Notredram. Not only could I buy myself a new rifle with it, but also years of food and supplies. Yet I knew even in hard times I would never be able too. A gift like this was not something you gave up, for any reason.

Careful so I did not show my shock ay such a gift, I replied, "Thank you. I will keep it close to remember you always." As I said this, I slipped the silver chain around my neck and closed the small claps, securing the chain and ring around my neck. I rested securely on my chest and was warm against my skin.

"We might have only known each other for a few months, but I consider you a close friend now. You could have dragged me back to Notredram, or off to some other city and left me there. Instead you took me in and have tried to teach me to live out here and make a living from everything that surrounds us. Few people besides my parents have ever been so willing to teach me. The ring is a sign of our everlasting friendship and partnership. Also if we are ever apart it will remind you of me, just as this comb will remind me of you."

Rather than say anything I nodded as I listened to a wind scream outside. Soon the thaw would come, and then we would leave our little home and return to The Deep Woods and eventually Notredram.

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