Finn° Alone with you |2|

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Summary: Read Previous parts👀👌🏽


I didn't even want to come to Ashley's party anymore. I wasn't in the mood.

"So you walked home? After he told you he didn't like you back?" Ashley asked, I rolled my eyes and leaned against the island counter while holding my drink.

"Yeah. He only likes me as a friend. I understand that, I mean, I wouldn't like me either." I mumbled, Ashley shoved me a little.

"Don't say that. And, tonight, just have fun. We're on spring break, so enjoy LIFE!" Ashley explained, I smirked a little and sipped from my cup.

The house was blasting with music, alcohol and sexual tension lingered the air.
So many people dancing and drinking.

"Dance with all the guys, be a little loose and show guys a good time." Ashley spoke tipsy. I giggled and chugged my red cup. Ash would shove and push me purposely into guys' arms so I could dance with them. It worked.

I swayed my hips and felt as the guy from behind me held my waist quite tightly, he gripped onto my waist so hard that I probably got bruises.

Maybe she was right.. Being loose tonight would help me get over the fact that Finn denied me and friend zoned my ass.

As I began drinking more, It felt exhilarating just being around more dudes. Being around guys who actually wanted me. I felt his lips along my neck as we swayed, I don't know who this guy was but, his lips felt amazing, his grip onto my body felt amazing as well.

I felt as an arm gripped onto me. I was dragged outside of the house and felt the night air.

"What are you doing?" A voice cooed, my eyes focused on who pulled me out. Ugh Finn.

"What do you mean? I-I'm partying. I'm being a teenager." I mumbled on the verge of puking out everything. Finn rolled his eyes and looked disappointed.

"You're dancing all over those guys and drinking, and it looks like you're a hoe... I could see you dancing on every guy. Kissing up on all of them." Finn yelled. I stepped back and gave him a cringed face. I then smiled. My drunk ass stumbled back and forth, I had no balance whatsoever.

"I'm acting like this because I want a guy, Who wants me- Those guys are drunk and horny, they only want to have sex with you." Finn spat back interrupting me. I gulped and stayed quiet.

My vision became blurry. "I'm only acting like this because of what happened earlier- So are you blaming me? You can't blame me for not fucking liking you, Y/N. You're a fucking mess. I was gonna drive you home and make sure you got home safely, but... Never mind. I'm leaving." Finn explained as he cut me off.

I exhaled a a breath and gagged. Oh no the alcohol. Running over to the bush I threw up. Ew.

I'm just going to walk home. Finn killed my party mood.

-Finn left Y/N all alone.

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