Exquisite Attraction Chapter Fifteen

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Huh, not much to say. Not much that I can think of at least.

Just got a new book called Mockingjay (read it yet, it's the finale book in the Hunger Games sequel), I'm happy about that. I needed something to read at home and in homeroom when I have nothing to do. I feel like collapsing onto the soft duvet of my bed. Ah, simple peace.

But that peace has to end, cause I did collapse on the bed, remembered my promise to my readers, and got up and forced myself over to the computer. So here I am now, posting this just for you.

Please vote, but also comment!!! The comments were down last time.

Also, I would like it if you voted, that you would comment too, so I would know who you are. After a while, I like to return the favor to my readers, but I can't do that if I don't know who you are.

So here's the chapter just for you guys! It's longer than the last chapter, but I wonder if it's long enough. I'm going to go grab a book now and start reading, so I can settle into school less peace. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!



And since this a god and goddess story....

Απολαύστε!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Which is enjoy in Greek I think)

(sorry if I stand corrected, now go enjoy!!!)



"Okay," I replied lightly. What if he did like me. I shouldn't worry about Anneleous anyway. How did I know Aphrodite was telling the truth? She is trying to kill me, I reminded myself. "I guess I might ask him." Ashley and Lucy nodded their approval. "But Ashley, I thought you kind of liked Re- Kevin." Oops.

"Be right there," she mouthed to someone in the distance. "I did,"she admitted. "But I don't anymore." I nodded. That was good. Before she left for whoever had called her she said one last thing. "I like Ares now."

Chapter Fifteen


This was not good. Definitely not good. I mean, Aphrodite wanted to kill me just because I was... um... pretty? That sounded wierd to admit. Or at least question. Anyway, what would happen if Aphrodite found about Ashley's crush on her... husband, and tried to kill her. This was bad. And it was all my fault.

"Come on, stop looking down so much," Lucy pestered me. "If this is the boy thing, just get over it and go ask him."

"It's not about that," I told her. "It's something else. Something... even worse." The last part, I had murmured to myself.

Throughout the day, I was constantly worried. What if Aphrodite tried to hurt her. Or kill her! Or something else even more sinister.

Aphrodite's POV


But what Miss Fall didn't know is that I wouldn't do anything to Ashley, so she didn't need to worry. She needed to worry about herself. Because Ashley falling in love with Ares, was part of my big master plan. Ha ha, hows that for a two faced goddess.

Kevin's POV


"You'll help me won't you?" I asked. Her grey eyes stared deep into mine, with the wisdom that she always seemed to have. She pondered his question deeply. This girl wasn't one to take a wrong move. "You'll help me against Aphrodite."

He Looks Like a God, But is he One Too? (Exquisite Attraction)(On hold)Where stories live. Discover now