Arthurs Announcement

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Arthur had made you and John go and meet him. You had no idea why, or what he was going to say. When you arrived, he was there with a bottle of champagne. After waiting ten minutes, the final Shelby was yet to make an appearance.

"Look, he's not here. He's not here and I'm going." John spoke, getting up and ready to leave. Just as you were about to follow him, Tommy showed up.

"Right." Arthur began, trying to open the bottle with his teeth.

"Arthur, you got wire on the fucking cork give it ere." John told him, taking it out of his hand so he could open it.

"Bastard." He muttered before running and jumping onto a stool.

"What's got you so excited Arthur?" You laughed in amusement at his stupidity.

"Right, gentlemen and lady. Linda is up the swanny. I'm gonna be a fucking dad." He announced. Your jaw dropped, not only because you were happy for him, but because Linda wasn't the only Shelby lady pregnant.

"Fuck off." John smirked and Arthur chuckled.

"September she reckons." He smiled, happy with his thoughts of being a dad.

"Her tits feel different to her already." You pulled a face at Arthur. You had married John a few weeks after he came back from war. He had already had four kids in his previous relationship with Martha. This would be the first baby you were going to have with him.

"That's not the only thing that's gonna be different brother. You're fucked now mate." John chuckled and you undoubtedly had to hide the forming frown on your lips.

"You're fucked, absolutely fucked." He repeated and you let out a sigh.

"And what's with you giving me that then ay?" John asked.

"Dunno what you're talking about." You replied simply, hugging Arthur as your congratulations. Tommy congratulated him also and then went off to a meeting.

"Y/N what the fuck is up with you?" John asked, getting up close so you couldn't avoid him.

"Why'd you keep telling your brother he's fucked when he's gonna be a good dad?" You asked him. Arthur shot you a thankful smile.

"Because I had one too many kids Y/N. They're hard work. Wouldn't say I regret any of them, I just didn't intend on having four straight up. Definitely couldn't do with no more." He laughed, but when you kept a straight face, he gulped.

"You know what, fuck you." You spat, all emotions falling down on you like rain.

"Go get your pregnant lady, brother." Arthur rushed John to follow you and he did, he caught up with you before you made it to the Main Street.

"Why didn't you say something to me? You tell me everything." He gently grabbed your shoulder and turned you around.

"Because sometimes everything is too much. Like you said, you definitely couldn't do with anymore kids John." You tried to walk away but he wouldn't let you.

"Babe, I didn't mean it like that." You laughed at that one.

"You wouldn't have said anything if you didn't mean it John. I get it. You don't want anymore, whatever." He let out a sigh and wrapped his arms around you.

"And when did you ever listen to anything that came out of my mouth? Look at me." He placed his hand under your chin and made you look him dead in the eyes.

"We're keeping that fucking baby, do you ere me? You ain't going nowhere without me. We ain't fucked, we've got this." He reassured you and placed his lips on yours.

"Thank fucking god for that, I thought I'd have to shoot your bollocks off." You mumbled against his chest and he laughed.

"Well I'm glad you didn't."

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