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Minato's POV

I woked up extremely early today, I left my sleeping wife in bed, while I went to the kitchen and made her breakfast Im not to good in the kitchen but I know the basic things.

When I was done I carefully took the breakfast that I made my loving wife and took it to our bedroom.

I placed the food in the drawer next to our queen size bed and then I carefully started to poke her on her cheek.

"Honey wake up, it's time to wake up, hon-" I couldn't finish what I was saying when my loving wife smacked the crap out of me...

I grabbed my now swollen red cheek and stopped poking my wife playfully. I don't want to be that one hokage that ends up with no teeth at such a young age.

Did I forget to mention that my dear loving wife has the strength of fifty grown up men... If I did forget well now you know.

After processing what just happen I came to the conclusion that my wife was still asleep and that she had hit me out of reflexes.

I thought about it then the light bulb went on, I quickly headed towards Naruto's room and started to shake him a little.

He moved around but didn't wake up, that's when I thought.

"Naruto, the chicken ramen is ready... " I whispered on his right ear.

And in just a second he was up, " ramen? Where?! " that's when he saw me and looked at me confused, " oto'san?  What you doing here? "

"Hi there, well it's five in the morning and I leave to the hokage tower at six, so can you do your old man a favor, Naruto...and if you do I'll take you to Ichiraku's and you can eat more than three bowls and your mom won't get mad at you, soo what do you say? " I said to him.

He raised one eyebrow and asked me, "alright, but what's the favor? "

"I need you to wake up your mom for me.. " I said to him almost to the point of begging...

He nodded and hoped of his bed and ran to my bedroom.

I quickly ran behind him to see how he wakes his mom without getting hit.

I saw him get near the bed and started to shake Kushina like I did to him, "mommy, mommy, mo-" he was doing so well not until Kushina swung her arm  taking him with her, cuddling with him.

Naruto wiggled to get out but that made it worse because Kushina tightened her grip on him.

"Oto-san help meh I... Can't... Breath. 'Ttebayo. " he said.

Then I had another excellent idea, but one that might get me or Kakashi murdered...

"Kushina honey, Naruto has one of Kakashi's ICHA ICHA books!! " I yelled on top of my lungs. And by just saying ICHA ICHA my wife got up.

"Where the hell is he! " she said glaring at me.

Making me shiver, and making Naruto gulp visibly by how mad Kushina was.

"Mommy what are icha icha books? " Naruto asked making Kushina notice that he was right next to her.

She looked at me and I looked at her, she shook her head in disbelief, "Naru-bear those books are from the devil never but ever dare to read them. " she said to him sweetly, she then turned to me and pulled me by the ear taking me outside the room.

"Mind to explain?  And why is your cheek swollen ??" She asked tapping her foot.

"Well honey, you see I made breakfast for you then tried to wake you up but I ended up getting smacked by you.. And then I got the idea of Naruto waking you up instead but the plan backfired because you were suffocating him... Then I remembered that you hate that Kakashi sometimes comes here and read those books. So I had decided to wake you up like that.. Gomen.. " I said to my wife.

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