my Lil tot

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I honestly thought it was too bright outside, but hell, to other people probably thought it was hella nice. But im not like other people.

(Time skip cuz im hella lazy)

*Stephens POV*😛

Good lord this will be a long day. I walked inside the school. It was really peppy! I think I might like this s- A guy wearing skulls on his shirt and had an extremely cringey green mohawk. "Hey cutie! You lost? Want me to show you to the office?" This MOTHA FUCKIN DOUCHE think he can call me cutie?!?! I'll show him cute!!

"Okay toots first off no one calls me cutie! And second, who the hell gave you the idea to talk to me?!? So please, FUCK. OFF."
I flipped him off. "Ooh feisty! I like a guy who plays hard to get"
I blinked. "Im straight." he chuckled "I can fix that cutie." um... Here see if he'll want me now. " I have aids." His eyes widended. " I uh have somewhere to be...!!!" HA SUCK IT MO' FUCKA!!

I walked down the hallway and passed a cute guy. He had icy blue eyes. His curly hair was a sandy blonde. He was wearing a hoodie and some ripped jean(ITS YA BOY ALEEEEXXX). Screw cute, this guy is beautiful!!

We made eye contact. I blushed, his eyes looked lifeless, like he was on the edge of life only a couple of inches from the edge. He just looked at me.


I passed a boy on the way to my first class he had brown hair an and miss match eyes. His left eye was green and the other was dark blue. He was wearing a panic! At the disco shirt and skinny jeans. I looked into his eyes and he blushed. He looked extremely happy. Mean while I look like shit. He walked off, still blushing. At least this kid has feelings. He was kinda cute. 'He probably won't even recognize you tomorrow, he'll just forget about you. You don't even know him! You're just a worthless, emotionless piece of shit. No one loves you. Why do you even try?' the voice said in the back of my mind. " who said im even trying..." I muttered.

I walked the rest of the walk to my first class. Trying not to think about the boy.

The phone ringed, and my teacher told me to go to the office. "Oooooooh someone's in trouble!" someone in the back of the classroom said. The whole class laughed. I sighed and walked out of the classroom.


The lady called a Alex wintershawl to come and show me around.

A couple of seconds passed,and
The same boy from before came in the office not even making eye contact with me. Ummm...Rude much? He and the office lady exchanged a few words and he turned around to face me. "I-im Stephan Davidson. Nice to meet you!" I held my hand out for him to shake it. He looked at it for a couple of seconds, then shook my hand." Im Alex. Lets go." he smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. I feel like I need emotions from this kid THAT I BARELY KNOW!! God

He started to show me around. He was kinda cut-IM STRAIGHT!!!I DON'T NEED THESE THOUGHTS INSIDE MY HEAD!!

I shake my head. He notices. "Are you okay?" He raised an eyebrow. That's hot-NO. I chuckled."Y-yeah! Im fine." Great! He probably thinks im weird. He shrugged. "So are you sitting with anyone at lunch today? Just asking... Heh!" He looked at me. "No, why?" I blushed. "I was wondering if you want to sit with me at lunch?"

He looked me up and down. "Sure, I have no one else." no one else? What does he mean? I think nothing of it and shrugged it off. We started to talk. He didn't like to talk about family. So I didn't talk much about family.

All of the sudden some douche bag yelled. " OOOOOH EMO SHITHEAD HAS A BOYFRIEND!!" And threw a cup of purple liquid. Fortunately, he was running so I stuck my foot out in front of him. He fell flat on his face. Everyone in the hallway started to laugh. "Stop fucking with other people. It ain't cool. It just makes you look bad,so please go home and re evaluate your life choices! Thanks boo!"

He was beyond pissed. "You asshole! Im gunna-" I cut him off "you do anything to me or Alex I will report you. And im not sure if mommy's going to appreciate that!" I smiled and turned to Alex. He looked shocked. I got some emotions out of this kid. " I GOTCHA BOO!!!" I smiled. He just looked at me. "You do realize who that is, right?" he asked. "Why is he important? Please say he isn't a douche who picks on the weak!" he opened his mouth but said nothing. " Nevermind" I shrugged

(Tiiimmmeee skkkooopppp)

*Alex pov*

I walked home, looking at the moon. Trying not to think about my "mom".

I opened the door to Lisa dead asleep on the couch. My little brother was crying in the corner. When he saw me he ran to me sobbing. I did my best to comfort him. "M-mommy h-hurt me..." He shows me his wrist. It was covered with blood." I promise I will try, in any way possible, to get both of us out of here..." I kissed his forehead and held him tighter. "Lets get you cleaned up." I picked him up and walked to the bathroom.

I got him all cleaned up and put him in my bed. He fell asleep in a matter of seconds. I cried silently. Soon falling asleep.

The next day,when I woke up I heard Timmy's scream. I ran out of my room to find Lisa burning Timmy with a cigarette. He was crying. I ran and yanked him away from Lisa." WHAT THE HELL?! How could you do that to your own son?!?" I yelled. Timmy held on to me for dear life. "When the hell did you grow balls you little shit!!" she yelled in my face. " WHEN YOU BURNT YOUR FIVE YEAR OLD CHILD JUT NOW YOU ABUSIVE BITCH!!" she looked shocked but that quickly changed to anger. She struck me across the face again. "Don't talk to me like that ever again. You piece of shit." I scoffed. " Try me bitch! You're too drunk to even think straight!" I yelled at her.

     I picked Timmy up and walked to my room. I put food and water in the room so he wouldn't go hungry, or any of the stuff. I shut and locked the door. "Please don't unlock the door for anyone but me,Timmy. I'll be back at 3 o clock, 'Kay?" I said to the door.

   I grabbed my backpack and walked out the door. It was raining but I didn't care. I just wanted to get the day over with,so I could get to Timmy.

     (Middle of the day)

   *Stephan's POV*

    I haven't seen Alex at all to day. I think he's sick, BUT ITS NOT LIKE I CARE!! IM NOT GAY!! Right? Im seriously am questioning my sexuality. Oh lord. I just met him. He looks so lifeless. I need to know more about this kid. Is something wrong at home? Why does he look so lifeless?Oooof enough paranoia! But seriously is he okay?

    I walk down the hall. And guess who I see. Same douche who called me cutie. I tried to turn the other way, but he saw me. Kill me now... "Hey cutie, I knew you were lying when you said those thing yesterday." I raised my eyebrow. "Riiiiiiigghhhttt, you barely know me so how do you know im not straight or if I do or don't have aids?" he smirked. "You look and act like a virgin and you don't look like the type to do drugs." he has me there. "And i told you I can fix that."
I could feel his hand going down my leg. Thus me slapping him and him becoming extremely pissed. "I told you to fuck off! Watt do you not get from that sentence?!" I yelled. The whole hallway looked at me and him. "Omg he is going to die this year if he keeps rejecting matt!" I heard a girl with braces whisper to a guy who was wearing suspenders and had extremely thick glasses.(very cliche, bad author)

    What is with this school?!

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