-chapter seventeen-

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a/n: lol I literally have not updated in FOREVER sryy

johnny's pov

I can hear Lauren and Kenzie laughing in the other room about something. They're trying to plan Kenzie's birthday party, but I'm not quite sure how that is going, based on how much laughter I hear.

I'm running over some lines for an upcoming audition I have. Some people just walk into an audition with their lines and memorize them when they're waiting, but I can't operate that way. I've never been good at memorizing stuff.

"Hey, can I talk to you?" I say to my mirror. "I want to apologize."

Sighing, I run my fingers through my hair. I don't like how that sounded, so I say it again.

"Hey, can I talk to you?" Earnestly, I look at myself in the mirror and make my eyes sad. "I want to apologize."

"What about?"

I jump, and turn around, startled. "What the heck, Kenz? How'd you get in here?"

She grins. "You were so busy talking to yourself that you didn't notice me come in. Who are you talking to anyways? Any disgruntled females?"

I roll my eyes. "Have you never practiced lines in front of a mirror before?"

"Never," Kenz teases, "I get it perfectly first try."

Plopping down onto my bed, she explains, "Laur went downstairs to get some stuff."

Kenzie runs her hand over my comforter. "I didn't know you started doing auditions already..."

"Yeah, I've been in a couple commercials already."

"What?? How did I not know that?"

I shrug. "I mean, we don't really talk anymore."

"We don't talk anymore, we don't talk anymore, we don't talk anymore, like we used to doooo," Kenzie sings, and I laugh. Then she stops. "I still can't believe I didn't know that you started doing acting and stuff again."

"You've been pretty infatuated with Mark, so..."

She gives me a look. "Do you not like him?"

"N-n-no..." I say, caught off guard. "I-He's fine...I just... I mean, we can't be as close if you have a boyfriend."

"Yes, we can," she insists, shaking her head. "It shouldn't change anything."

"But Kenzie, our kiss..." I sigh. "I like you a lot. You know that. I just can't..."

"Let's forget that happened, John." Kenzie bites her lip and looks away. "I'm dating Mark. Friends is a good place to be...right now. I'm sorry. You understand?"

I shrug, not having anything to say.

"Anyways," Kenzie says, breaking the awkward silence, "Let me help you with your lines."

I oblige, and reach over to grab the script and hand it to her. Let's forget that happened, John. Be happy, friends is a good place to be. Suck it up. Putting on a happy face, I supress my feelings, for now.

"So, which commercials have you been in?" She asks, thumbing through the lines.

"Uh, there was a Target one, and an Axe...and-"

Kenzie giggle. "Like Axe the deodorant company?"

Rolling my eyes, I say, "Yeah, and I got some free products too. Wanna smell them?" I hold up my arms jokingly.

"Oh, no wonder," Kenzie says, winking, "You were that hot guy in that commercial I saw the other day. I was wondering..."

"Want my number?" We both laugh.

"How's party planning going?"

"Good, buuuut," Kenzie taps her fingers on her knee. "Focus. You're going through your lines right now."

I make a face. "Yes, mom."

"What's going on in here?" Lauren enters, holding her laptop and two cans of soda.

"I'm just helping John with his lines." Kenzie takes a soda from Lauren.

"What about me?" I pout.

Kenzie is about to open her can, but she looks up at me.

"You can have mine," she says, and tosses it to me.

"No, no," I toss it back. "I was kidding. I'll get my own."

"No, really, I insist." Kenz tosses it back.

"Guys, please." Lauren rolls her eyes. "One of you guys, drink it, and stop being nice."

Finally, Kenzie accepts it, and we all laugh. Maybe things will be normal with her again, and I really can forget that that kiss ever happened...

A/N: I'm really excited for these upcoming chapters cuz big drama's about to drop 🤙

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