Bonding time

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The Haddock house

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The Haddock house

In his sleep Hiccup seas lovingly. "Oh Astrid I love you, I love you & Dustin so much" At          1 o clock Dustin starts crying & awakes Hiccup, he sighs but puts on a smile, he puts his metal leg back on& then go's to calm Dustin then he picks Dustin up & rocks him & hums gently, Dustin falls back to sleep, Hiccup puts Dustin back in his cradle then he go's back to the bed, sits down, tacks his metal leg of & puts it on the side, lays down & then raps his arms around Astrid & falls back to sleep. 

Ova the next few week's Hiccup & Astrid had been woken up by crying, but they were happy because they know that it was their child, again one morning Dustin is crying, Hiccup sits up & hears a groin, then sleepily he yearns & says. "Ok I'm getting up, hold on Dustin" 

He looks to his side at his pretty wife who lays their looking gorges, fluttering her pretty eyes & sighing, Hiccup places his hands on her shoulders & rubs them why she grounds again, & he says sweetly. "I'll take it Mi-lady, you deserve to sleep, & I need some time to bound with are son you go back to sleep sweaty" She yearns & says sleepily & lovingly. "Thank you babe" Then falls back to sleep.    

Then he smiles & climbers out of bed, he clasps his metal leg on & walks into the room next to their own as he nears the cradle the crying gets quieter & quieter & he looks down at Dustin& seas softly & lovingly with a smile "Hay little one" 

Then he picks up his little boy & he places him in his arms & puts him against his chest, he know that Dustin wasn't hungry or needed changing because he didn't smell & he didn't make the smacking sound like he did when he wanted food when he was a baby, so Hiccup tickles Dustin's belly & Dustin giggles, softly.    

"Hey there, buddy... you almost woke you're mummy, you know, you really tiered mummy out the day you were born & you still do, but she loves you just as much as you're daddy" then Dustin looks up at his daddy, puts his little arms in the are & giggles sweetly. 

Hiccup whispers softly as he stroke's Dustin's small cheek with his large finger, the crying ceases & Dustin looks up at his farther again then Dustin lays his head under Hiccup's collar bone & falls to sleep, then Hiccup says softly & happily to himself. "Oh, my sweet little boy"

Then he smiles & whispers with a calm voice."I'll promise you something little one... I will protect you always" Then he puts Dustin in the cradle & says softly. "Me & mummy love you little one"    

During the whole time, Astrid had been standing by the door & looking at her husband with their little boy in his arms, she looks at Hiccup's muscle back & her eyes wander to the painting on his right shoulder it is the same symbol that he has on his shield & the tail for Toothless.    

in a sexy voice she says flirtatiously as she walks towards him. "Hiccup, babe" In surprise he turns around & looks at his wife with a smile & says in shock. "Your up? Ha, ha" "Yeah babe..." She says flirtatiously then she kisses Dustin's head lightly then looks at Hiccup with a flirtatious look & raps her arms around his neck.

In a sexy voice she says flirtatiously as she slides her fingers fro his hair. "I wanted to see how you bonded with are little boy" He puts his arm around her,laughs quietly so not to awake Dustin & looks at his wife with a smile then he looks at Dustin & says softly & sweetly. "I still can't believe that this sweet little one is are boy" Then he kisses her & the two of them go back to bed.    

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