✧ "Dates, Dresses and Heals" ✧ Chapter 7

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She didn't say a word about the charm. She left soon as possible that day, She was confused and nervous.
Tomorrow was the dance, everyone had their dates , dresses (suits) and heals (or whatever) Katie had been avoiding Travis, since the whole tattoo thing. She was mad, not wanting to believe the truth.

It was lunch, everyone chatting to their groups and eating. She kept her head down, only talking to Miranda and Piper. Then,
"What do we owe the pleasure, Mr Stoll" said Piper teasingly. Katie was about to get up and walk away.

"Kate's, You haven't finished eat up" Miranda said, Katie knew better than fighting with Miranda so she sat and hoped that Piper might help her. "Actually I'm not here for the beautiful Piper or Mother Miranda" The nicknames were pretty old and simply, Miranda always been protective over close friends and Piper is just beautiful/Stunning. " I'm here for Kit-Kat" He smirks Katie's way. She ignores.

Miranda and Piper thought about it, then stood up, " Don't take to long" said Miranda "And if your gone,when I'm back I'll assume your making out" Added Piper. They disappeared into the ocean of people, to some table.

"What do you want Travis" said Katie, obviously tired from the long day.
"Well, I was wonder if you would like to go to the dance with me" He sped up, the last part but Katie heard. Here eyes were wide, and she just didn't know what to say so, she messed it up.

"I'll think about it."

{ finally updated ;) }

Oh btw, if you want I'll add the phone calls and the texts at the end of the book so say like the time Katie called Piper. Also there is gonna be side stories like going to the beach and stuff, and there will be like how Katie's Mom died.

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