Chapter Seventeen

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     "You may ask your first question, child," Slenderman spoke as he leaned forward in the chair he was sitting on. You sat back in the chair across from him. You look up at him as you then pull out your phone and begin typing on it.

     Slenderman lowered your phone, causing you to look at him. You furrowed your eyebrows as you stared at his faceless face.

     "Communicate with me by using telepathy," he demands with his booming voice. You just continue to stare at the blankness of his face.

     "Telepathy is easy. All you need to do is think about entering his mind and then speak to him," your voice stated. You thought about it and then just decided to give it a try.

     'Okay, I can do this. I just need to get in his mind' you think to yourself. You stare at him and then focus on getting into his mind.

      This was your first time doing this... So, you weren't sure when you've successfully got in his head. Should you just start speaking? Did you even get in his head yet? Should you ask him?

     'um... Am I in your head yet?' You ask, staring at Slenderman. You didn't see him move at all. Maybe you need to try again?

     'Yes, child. You are in my head. I can hear you,' you hear Slenderman's voice echoing in your head. You felt weird. Not a bad weird, jsut weird. You shook it off and then sat up straight in your chair, continuing to stare at Slenderman. It's time to get some answers.

     'So, I'll just go ahead and start asking the questions. So, what exactly am I? A which? A werewolf? Both? Also, who was that guy that tried to kill me? Who was his family and why did they want to kill off 'my' kind?' You telepathically ask him. You hear him take a deep breath.

     'So, there are three types of witches. The Robustis, the Infirmi, and the Modum. The Robustis and the Infirmi were the first two groups of witches and have been around ever since before the ancient Egyptians.
     Fun fact: most of your ancestors were worshiped as gods and goddesses because of their magical abilities.
     The Modum, on the other hand, don't appear until the late seventeen hundreds. Modum's are the weakest of the three. They are the witches that can only do simple healing medicines and limited curses.
     The Robustis were more powerful than all the others, including the Infirmi. This caused the Infirmi to get jealous and angry. So, they attacked the Robustis. The Robustis fought back, of course, and easily killed most of the Infirmi.
     The 'guy' you are referring to was an Infirmi. He wanted to kill you because your kind, the Robustis, were killing off too much of his kind. He was taught to see your kind as a threat and to kill them all. He killed both your parents, assuming both were Robustis, but was wrong.
     Your mother was the only one that was a full-blooded Robustis. She didn't know, just like most of your family on her side didn't know. Just like you didn't know.
     Your ancestors set up an arranged marriage for their kids to keep the bloodline strong. All your family up until now were full-blooded Robustis. Your mother obviously declined the arranged marriage. Instead, she married your father.
     He wasn't a Robustis or anything close to it. As you must have seen when you killed that Infirmi, your father was something more brutal.
     His family was what you would call a 'werewolf'. He wasn't an actual werewolf. Werewolves only exist through horror shows and all that stuff.
     He was a Canem Fortis. They've been around for decades. They are very aggressive and love to attack anything that comes their way. The appearance when transformed is the same as the 'werewolves' except with a little less fur.
     The Canem Fortis don't need a full moon to change like you would see from the 'werewolves'. Instead, they lose control every time they become really angry. Also, the Canem Fortis have three transformations, unlike the 'werewolves'. The first is the normal, 'werewolf' look where you look like a human/dog mix. The second is what I'd call the calm look, where your features look less aggressive and more 'cuddly'. Like a cute puppy. The third is the extreme. If you get really agitated and angry, you may transform into a huge beast.
     You'll most likely turn into the normal and the calm more than the extreme. It all depends on how angry you get. Well, the calm side you can transform without being angry. You could transform into it right now if you wanted to.
     Going back to your father, he didn't have to go through any arranged marriages to keep the bloodline strong. With the Canem Fortis, even just a drop of the blood in you is strong enough for you to be considered a full-blood.
     With the Canem Fortis blood in you and the Robustis blood in you, you are one of the strongest beings ever. Child, you do not know how much power you actually possess. With the right training, you will be able to defeat any opponent that crosses your path.
     Well, did you find all the answers you were looking for?' he asks, his voice booming in your head. You sat back, taking it all in.

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