29: The Diviine Decision

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Mageia found her spirit of resilience again

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Mageia found her spirit of resilience again. Ignoring the lingering aches still within her body and the panic her heart now drummed in her ears, she tried seeking multiple ways to escape the room. Even with the temple soldiers watching and the door sitting wide open, she and the others brainstormed what to do without the help of Rasni.

First, they tried the chimney. Sadon brought water from the attached privy and doused the fire. Don stripped to his undergarments, which had Mageia and the ladies blushing, and with great ease, the teenager shimmied up the chimney. Chuckles arose from the temple soldiers, but they didn't care. They had to try something or die like sheep off to the slaughterhouse.

Don went as far up the connecting tunnels of other fireplaces, only to choke on thick smoke, and returned as there was no ladder to reach the exit to the roof. While he cleaned himself off, Mageia and Ameri checked the window. The thick glass doors were open, but as expected, the climb down would've been impossible for everyone except Mageia and possibly Ameri. She knew they could climb to the bottom, but the thought of leaving everyone behind was not an option. Dana thought about creating a rope from the sheets, but it wouldn't be long enough to safely reach the grass below.

Nabea mentioned the slim exit through the relief-hole in the privy, but the thought of the disgusting grime and fecal matter discouraged them. Plus, Rasni and Sadon wouldn't be able to fit into the tunnel. Madeena suggested that they fight their way out again. Mageia rolled her sore wrist, now swollen, and Don's bandaged hand, and knew a second attempt would not be possible since they also doubled the security.

"This is madness," Madeena complained, blonde hair now a mess on her head. "I don't want to die!"

"Hush, Madeena, or you'll rattle them," Don said. They glanced at the soldiers, who were amused by their actions.

"Can you think of anything else, Mageia?" Dana asked with a sniffle.

Mageia sat her exhausted body on Madeena's bed. She needed to eat, but her stomach wouldn't be able to hold anything down. Her shoulder blades still ached and even some of her bruises pained her, depending on a certain movement. She was healing fast though, just like after her first capture, but she did not have the time to ponder it. She thought hard again, praying for an idea to pop into her head.

"I can't think of anything else," she resigned.

"What if I try the chimney again?" Don asked. "Maybe I can climb to the top."

Ameri shook her head. "No. I don't want you to get hurt or stuck."

"Were you not the master of escapes and rescues?" Madeena scolded Mageia. "You are pathetic."

"Can you please just shut up?" Mageia snapped at the annoying noblewoman.

"Look, I think we all need to calm down and accept what's going to happen," Nabea said, but the sorrow in her eyes hinted that she didn't want to heed her own words.

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