Finn° Alone with you |6|

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Summary: Read Previous parts

-Warning: This becomes very emotional and deep, and I'm warning you before y'll go crazy about my writing and what not.

-if you leave hate on any of my imagines or even send me hate about my writing then take a look at yourself and evaluate, my writing isn't hurting anyone, and you're hurting me... So think again and ask yourself, who's the real hater.

Narrator POV

Y/N was in hospital just traumatised. Her mom had told her that Finn was here to see her, but she wasn't going to deal with him.

As Y/N laid in the hospital bed she cried quietly, she didn't want her mom hearing her from outside the hospital room.

Her eyes closed shut, and sudden flash backs of what happened to her last night appeared, she could hear her own screaming and her cries for mercy.

While that was happening, Jade was at home. She hated that Finn had kicked her out and would rather see Y/N then stay with her. She had a grand plan, she's had this plan for a while.
Jade pulled up the recordings she had from the car ride earlier, Finn had no idea Jade recorded their convo... Jade also had a great idea of sending Y/N videos of her and Finn kissing.

Jade knew Y/N would crack. Jade texted a girl she knew in class asking for Y/N's number.

Finn POV

My hand slammed my car door shut. I brushed my fingers through my curly hair as I stood in the hospital car park just frustrated.

All my fault. All my fault.

I leaned against my car and exhaled a breath. I thought about my stupid actions lately...

I closed my eyes shut and thought about how much I hurt her, how much of a dick head I was. She was intoxicated and helpless, I could've done something... But instead I chose a piece of ass over my best friend.

I gulped loudly and felt myself choke on my tears, The only girl who understands me well now hates me, I hate myself.

I brought my phone up to my ear and needed to call her... Of course she denied the calls and put me straight to voice mail.

"Y/N, I know I hurt you. I don't deserve your friendship, loyalty and love. I don't deserve anything from you. And I hate myself for ruining 'me and you' because, I know that you are one of the best things to ever happen in my life. I hate myself for doing what I did. I'm sorry." I cried and placed my head into my hands, I wiped my tears and choked on my tears.


I denied his calls. I don't want anything to do with him. I don't want want to hear his stupid voice, see his stupid face or even continue keeping in contact.

My nose sniffled and my eyes examined some texts from an unknown number.

I opened my phone and saw a recording, my finger tapped the play button.

"Finn, if you think she's a loser and too much of a goody 2 shoes, why are you even friends with her still?" A voice cooed, it sounded like that girl he was with from last night...

I teared up and held my breath just waiting for Finn's reply. He thinks I'm a loser?

"Her mom and my mom, they were best friends.
Y/N's kinda just stuck in my life." Finn replied.

I exhaled a shaky breath and felt my tears stream freely. I was stuck in his life, I was a loser to him? All those times he told me I was his best friend were all a lie?

Obviously Y/N, don't be oblivious... Finn doesn't actually like you.. He doesn't like you like 'that' so why would he like you as a friend.

I scrolled down and broke when I saw videos and pictures of Finn and the girl from last night... I dropped my phone and wanted to hurt myself. I deserved it, I deserved to hurt..

I wish I wasn't saved, I wanted to die. It hurt me knowing, that my childhood best friend hated me and didn't want anything to do with me. He lied to me.

A loud cry escaped my mouth.
Mom came running in and I stood up from my hospital bed.

"Honey what's wrong-I want to die, Why did they find me?" I cried interrupting her, Mom held onto me as I wanted to pull my IV drip out. I started screaming and scratching myself.

"HELP? Baby calm down " Mom spoke crying, I nodded a no and cried. Nurses came running in and helped my mom carry me, they placed me back on the bed.
I continued to scream and hurt.

"You s-should've left me to d-die." I screamed.

-Intense. How do you feel?

Finn Wolfhard Imagines Where stories live. Discover now