Chapter 2

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 *Cattleya Outfit for school in the pic above*

Cattleya's Pov✨

   "GOT ME A NEW NIGGA AND HE CHERISH ME" Blare through my alarm I groaned and slam my hand on the alarm to get rid of the annoying noise in my room. As y'all can see I'm not much of a morning person,who can blame me a girl needs her beauty sleep.
  I've finally got up from out of bed and went to the bathroom and did my business which consist of brushing my teeth ain't no one a fan of morning breath then I had a relaxing bath after half and hour of showering I was now wide awake.
I went inside my walk in closet to pick out my outfit for school. After what seems like ages I've finally found the perfect outfit, did my hair and got dress. Add a little makeup which consist of black lipstick and mascara. If y'all don't notice by now black is my favourite colour.
I look in the mirror one last time, feeling satisfy with how I look I grab my bag back making sure that everything that I need is in there then went downstair to the kitchen and cooked some pancake. After my pancake finished cooking I  add my favourite chocolate syrup on it and ate it.
Couple minutes after my plate was now empty I put in the sink,check the time on my phone it was now seven forty-five so I hurriedly grab a apple and went to the the garage and got into my black lamborghini and sped to school. By the time I pulled up at school it was eight 15, just great now I'm going to be late for first period.

I parked my car and went to the office to collect my shedule.
1st period I have English with Ms.Smith.

2nd period Arts with Ms. Alford

3rd period Maths with Ms.Ayer


4th period Drama Ms.Gordon

5th period P.E with Mr.Hemmings.

After those stressful period then I will be free to go home and watch netflix and chill.
When I was finish looking over my schedule I went to my locker and got what I needed for the first three period and slowly made my way to english class. Searching the hallway looking for room 203 I finally found just as I was about to call it a day,excuse my laziness but it's not really lazy you know it's just that feeling when you can't be bothered ya digg?
I knocked on the door and open it only to see all eyes on me. Me being me said to the class "what the fuck y'all looking at i ain't the english topic y'all learning for this term so y'all quit staring at me." A boy reply and said "I don't mind learning about you" and I simple reply and said "Tell that to your mother" with that been said I finally turn to the teacher and said good morning miss and went to the empty seat at the back.
Everyone has quiet down now as the teacher was introduce herself. Hello class I will be your english teacher throughout the year, my name is Nerva Smith but y'all should call me Ms.Smith.   

With that been said I want y'all to stand and intoduce yourself she point at some kid name John to start and I began staring into space until a kid beside me touch me and tell me it's my turn.
I stand and did my infamous introduction which is My name is Cattleya Benjamin anything else you wanna know ask google with that been said I sat down waiting on the bell to ring in the next thirty second .
*Riiinnng* there goes the bell I pick my stuff up and went to second period after finally made through the crowded hallway I made it to class which is my favourite arts yeah I  love drawing and my teacher was quite tolerable her name is Danique Alford also known as Ms.Alford.

Alright class listen today you guys are allowed to draw and paint anything you wish now please don't let down.

After gathering everything I need I plugged in my earphone and started playing some music and let my hand and the pain brush do it's work I didn't have anything in mind plan to draw.

After a good half and hour I was finally finish painting and when look at what I have paint, I was render speechless at the outcome of it.

It was a picture of a girl half of her was happy and the other half was sad, that girl was me.

A few minutes after the bell has rung and I went to my last class before lunch. My worst subject ever I don't know who the hell invent that as a subject,they must not like humans.

I made it to class on time, Ms.Ayer didn't didn't give us any work to do because it's the first day, I so love this teacher already,she's very cool.

I put my earphone in and was listening to music and dozed off. I was dreaming about if I was to see my dad again how would I react but my dream was then cut short by the bell, in which I was gratefup for.

*ring a ding ding* there goes the bell I was the first to left the classroom and went to my locker and put my books in their and collect my purse and went to the canteen.

The line wasn't that full when I arrived thanks be to god, that's one of the perks of being early.

The line goes by quicky it was now my turn to order,I've order two slices of pepperoni piza,chicken and chips and a fuit basket along with a bottle water.

If you're wondering our canteen offers a variety of different meals this is the only thing I love about this school.

After I collected my lunch I went to the nearest empty table and start eating until my friends came. We began chit chatting about how our day is going and blah blah blah.

Suddenly the whole room was silent I was wondering what is going on then I saw that it was Ryder's friends who came into the cafeteria. I just rolled my eyes and continue eating my food.

Ryder and his friends are known as the badboys in the school, they are also popular alot of girls throw their selves at them. However alot of girl wanna be with Ryder but he never gave them a second glance in which let us think that he is gay.

Alot of guys in the school envy the gang and want to be like them.

Me on the otherhand can't stand them at all.

The lunch bell rang and we all went to class.

** two hours later the bell rang dismissing school for the day**

YESS!! Finally I can go home from this hell hole. I collect my stuff from my locker and went to the parking lot and got in my baby and went home.

After 20 minutes of speeding I've pulled up in my garage and went straight to my room and change out of my clothes and then went downstairs and warm up spaghetti and ate.

After I was finsihed eating I washed up the dirty dishes and decided on taking a little nap  so I went to my room jump in my bed and felt a sleep thinking if my life would have been differently if my dad was living with me and mom.

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