The second berth

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Outside the Haddock house

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Outside the Haddock house

Five months latter a few days before their second baby is dew Hiccup, Astrid, Toothless & Stormfly are playing with Dustin outside, Toothless licks Hiccup's rite cheek & at the same time Stormfly like's Hiccup left cheek & then Dustin looks at his Daddy, claps his little hands, giggle's lewdly & says why giggling. "Ha, ha Daddy wet, daddy wet"    

Hiccup then smirks & smiles at Dustin & says happily. "You think that's funny, daddy getting wet do you?" "Ha, ha Daddy wet, Daddy wet" "Well let's see how you like it" He says, so he blows on Dustin's belly & Dustin giggles then Dustin smiles & looks at his mummy & says giggly & happily. "Mummy Daddy make me wet, bad daddy, bad daddy"    

She giggles & says happily. "Yes bad daddy, I'll have to tickle daddy wont I" She then looks at Hiccup with a cheeky smile then Dustin looks & point's at his daddy & says why giggling "Oh daddy in treble" 

She then tickles Hiccup & grabs his nose & he says happily. "Oh no not my nose please, please not my nose" "Their Dustin I've got daddy's nose" Dustin smiles, claps his little hands & giggles then she says happily. "So Dustin shall I give daddy his nose back?" Dustin giggles. "Ok mummy, daddy get nose back, daddy get nose back" 

So she gives Hiccup his nose back & smiles then he says happily. "Thank you, Astrid I better go up steers now I've got sum paper work to do ok" So he stands up & goes inside.    

The Haddock house

Later It starts getting dark & Astrid pikes Dustin up & walks upstairs to her & Hiccup's room to put Dustin in his crib, she finds Hiccup sitting at his desk doing some paper work, Hiccup turns to look at his wife, places down the pencil & stands up then walks up to his wife & son then he looks at Dustin with a smile & says happily. "Tired aren't you, little fella?"    

He then placing his large hand against Dustin's head, rubbing his thumb over Dustin's forehead to brush away Dustin's brown hair. "Their, his hair isn't in the way now" Dustin's blue eyes slowly shut & Astrid smiles placing him down in the crib a few moments after her hands leave him he starts whining then he grabs his dragon & settles down then Hiccup & Astrid with their arms around etch over look at him with love then Hiccup looks at his wife & places a kiss on her cheek then she grabs one of his hands & rubs her thumbs over his palm full of faded scars.

A few days pass & his pacing back & forth knavishly again outside the bedroom door, as he paces Dustin stars at his farther then grabs his daddy's leg & raps his little arms around his leg then Dustin looks up at his farther & says happily. "Daddy, Daddy" 

Then Hiccup stops & picks him up & sits down with Dustin on his lap, suddenly his mum comes out of the room & he says fast. "Mum is everything ok?" "Yes son everything is fine, now you two cum in there's someone who wants to meet you" 

Hiccup goes in with Dustin on his arm he looks at Astrid who looks at them with a smile & Volka says sweetly. "We'll  leave you fore alone" "Thanks mum" So Volka & Gothi leave.

He walks over with Dustin & sits on the chair beside the bed with Dustin on his neigh he then looks in her arms & sees a bountiful baby girl who looks almost like her mum but with brown hair like his then Dustin Giggles & says. "Daddy, Mummy, what that?"

Then he smiles at Astrid, leans over & gives her a soft kiss on her check Dustin giggles again & they look at him, then he says happily. "Dustin this is your little sister" Then Dustin giggles & says. "Daddy, daddy she pretty like mummy" "Yes, yes she is very pretty"    

Then Hiccup looks & smiles at Astrid & asks. "So what shall we call her dear?" "I think you should chows this time babe" "I think we shod call her Fryer, what do you think dear?" "I think that's lovely babe, & I was thinking for a middle name maybe Kaler"    

Then the both of them look & smile at Dustin & Hiccup says. "Well, what do you think Dustin do you like the name Fryer Kaler?" Dustin claps his hands & bonces on Hiccup's lap then says giggly & happily "Fryer Kaler, Fryer Kaler, Fryer Kaler" Then Hiccup & Astrid look at etch over & smile then he says happily. "Right Fryer it is Fryer Kaler Haddock" Hiccup & Astrid smiling sit there with both of their children as the sun sets out side in the distant then all four of them fall to sleep all cold up together.    

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